Update II: Boycott The Republican Party (Buy Arizona)

Federalism,IMMIGRATION,Private Property,Republicans,States' Rights


When your city is buckling under the weight of mandated diversity—crime, illiteracy, crumbling and crowded schools, closing hospitals—what do you do? Launch a boycott against a state, Arizona, that is attempting to ward off the same fate.

“The Los Angeles City Council passed a resolution Wednesday that cuts some of its business ties to Arizona.”

Most repugnant is that the party that “needs not a bigger tent, but a giant tin-foil hat” HAS “unanimously recommended Tampa as the site of the 2012 Republican National Convention,” when Phoenix was a contender.

Slimer Steele, the attention seeking RNC Chairman, assured the WaPo it “was a business decision.”

That’s the extent to which the GOP is attuned to the passions and interests of its base.

Boycott the Republican Party.

Boycotts are the prerogative of private property owners; as their patronage, or lack thereof, affects only those within their economic sphere. LA City pols should go back to doing what they were hired to do: pick up trash, give permits for Gay Pride parades, etc.

The GOP ought to have quietly given a nod to its base and the plank they claim to support—law and order, the right to repel invaders, self-defense—and plonked their pampered behinds in Phoenix. I am sure there are plenty stripper clubs that meet Steele’s exacting standards in that city.

Update I: DICKING AROUND. Is Dick Morris for real? The guy makes Steele look like a man of integrity. His site: there is nothing worth reading there, except for numbers, stats and other probabilities which can be had at Gallop. But Republicans buy his books in the millions.

Update II (May 13): Back to LA-Council clowns. A city that is bankrupt boycotting a state that isn’t—how rich is that? And how well they are serving their constituents!?

If I haven’t yet issued this cri de coeur: Buy Arizona. And write in to tell us what products to look out for.

15 thoughts on “Update II: Boycott The Republican Party (Buy Arizona)

  1. james huggins

    It’s been a long time since I’ve been enthusiastic about the Republican party. But the rub is a third party has about as much chance of making a difference as a flatulent mouse in a strong wind. The Republicans are mostly a bunch of weenies but the Democrats must be resisted and the GOP is the only other game in town. Yes the Republicans should be headed to Phoenix but there are still too many inside the beltway “old pros” in the party to have the nerve to make such a statement. I’m just a red state rube myself and don’t pretend to be a political analyst but it seems to me that if the Republicans picked Phoenix and started using this choice as a campaign tool it would energize the base of disatisfied voters and might even be the start of a ground swell of support. Remember, in this world of political leaders who tiptoe around afraid of saying anything unpleasant to anyone, especially those who hate our country, our history our judeo-christian culture and anything else “American”, there are millions of Americans just waiting for a candidate or candidates who will unashamedly actually act like an American.

  2. Greg

    Michael Steele is a coward! I finally left the Republican party two years ago. They are a flat out joke. True conservatives need to wake up. Steele and his gang of rubber spined weenies do not represent you. He should be going on every news network that will have him to explain why the Republicans are having their convention in Phoenix. What a great opportunity to explain to the American people why this law is good and right.

  3. Brett Gerasim

    This was a bonehead decision on the part of the GOP leadership. Only a complete idiot would buy into that “business decision” garbage.

  4. Myron Pauli

    (1) Maybe Los Angeles and San Francisco can boycott Sonoma County in their own state since they do not recognize the RIGHT TO CONTRACT and the RIGHT TO PROPERTY (for gay people no less!):

    http://www.bilerico.com/…/sonoma_county_ca_separates_elderly_gay_couple_and .php

    (2) Or – perhaps the boycott of Arizona does not go far enough. Arizona should be EXPELLED from the United States as “punishment” and be forced to control its own borders. Maybe Arizona could use some of the Arizona troops wasting time hunting down Pushtun poppy growers to protect their ranchers instead of the Karzai Afghan kleptocracy. The people of Arizona could be further punished by not getting the benefits of Obamacare, Leave No Child Behind, and the Fannie Mae bailout. That’ll deter all the other states that might try passing laws protecting their borders.

    (3) Republican PRINCIPLES:

    Bush deficits GOOD – Obama deficits BAD

    Romneycare GOOD – Obamacare BAD

    Bush Autobailout GOOD – Obama Autobailout BAD

    McConnell Housing Subsidies GOOD – Reid Housing subsidies BAD

    Republican Arlen Specter GOOD,- Democrat Arlen Specter BAD

    ..ad nauseum.. Michael Steel does not exemplify the Republican “big tent” but rather a “BIG OUTHOUSE”. (I don’t say cathouse because whores have more principles and dignity than Republicans).

  5. james huggins

    to Myron Pauli: Well said indeed. What’s the solution?

  6. Robert Glisson

    Sorry for anonymous post. Still dark in Ok. “Is Dick Morris for real?” Isn’t he Bill Clinton’s campaign manager that quit and became a Republican because of a tiff with Hillary? I heard a kitchen instrument was involved but did not save the story. Politics makes for strange bedfellows. However, on to the topic. I understand that California is not willing to build any more energy plants and as a consequence is sucking utility power from adjacent states. Does this mean that California’s boycott means ‘no Arizona’ electricity? I think some of Arizona’s citizens might consider that a bonus.

  7. sunny black

    My initial reaction was the same as Ms. Mercers in regards to Steele’s decision: What a wuss…

    But think about it politically. Picking Phoenix as the site in the present situation. I’d love it! (And Arizona could use the support in light of L.A.’s pending “trade sanctions”)

    Obama-rod & Goons would pound on the ‘Con party by associating them with the decision to hold their convention in Arizona. They’d be called the anti-immigrant party, and it would have a visceral effect. All of the sudden PBS and the History Channel will be running documentaries on racism in the Deep South. And how, “it was the republicans then” (which it really wasn’t) “and it’s the Republicans NOW!” Eat it, President Passive-Aggressive/Mr. Always Holds A Grudge would say from the childproof bully pulpit.

    Exit question: do you think the Republican party has the power of its convictions to be seen or portrayed (by TV and movie producers) as actively campaigning against immigrants? It’s the one issue that could stall Tea Party momentum.

  8. sunny black

    My point with the exit question being: on the one hand freedom, liberty, and first principles. On the OTHER hand: a Hispanic voting bloc permanently disenfranchised.

    Maybe it’s a false choice being pushed by the MSM because there’s always this lady: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShkpO9Rf1bo

  9. Roger Chaillet

    Myron is correct about the Republican Party.

    An economist would say a whore provides utility to a consumer.

    A politician screws his own voting public.

    So, voters pay to be screwed, yet derive not pleasure from it.

  10. George Pal

    RNC Chairman Michael Steele: “it was a business decision.” Political consultants: Florida is a battleground state. Principled Republicans: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Anyone there? Anyone.

  11. Gringo Malo

    The Republicans lost me when they enacted the largest increase in entitlement spending since 1965. That the Republicans never attempted to repeal any socialist legislation enacted by Democrats was bad enough. Republicans creating income transfer programs on their own initiative was the last straw.

    James Huggins’ is correct in saying that there are “millions of Americans just waiting for a candidate or candidates who will unashamedly actually act like an American.” Regrettably, American no longer means what it meant before FDR. Nowadays, most Americans think that the fedgov can create wealth (not just money) out of thin air and give it to them. Most Americans want a paternalistic government to provide all their needs from cradle to grave, and only shrug when asked who’s going to pay for it all. Most Americans are waiting for a candidate who’ll promise them affluence without effort and security without sacrifice. They might become disenchanted when the candidate fails to deliver, but they’ll replace him with an indistinguishable replica. This situation cannot be amended by the normal political process.

  12. Dennis

    Hey Myron,

    From now on, every time I see Mr Steele on the news, I’m going to start laughing because of your comments. Too bad he cannot hear me, but those Republicans who are nearer to libertarianism than being RINO should laugh aloud each and every chance they get…convention, block parties, state party meetings, etc. If enough people start laughing, he’ll get the message…it’s the same old-same old joke over and over. The people have heard enough jokes for a lifetime. TIME FOR A REAL CHANGE…OUT WITH THE JOKESTERS!

  13. Barbara Grant

    Way back in the late 1960s, we in my suburban Los Angeles elementary school were asked one day whether we’d favor an economic union…with Mexico! I think all of us said “no,” (though we’d been forced to watch Spanish language TV from downtown on a regular basis.)

    Why ask little kids a question like that one, in those times? Not to sound conspiratorial (though I do) I think it’s possible that our elites have their objectives well-founded years, if not decades, in advance, and promote policies (such as mass immigration, multiculturalism, and “white racism”) to make the previously deplorable seem inevitable. ‘Course, it didn’t help much that So. Cal. was absolutely devastated by the aerospace industry collapse following the Cold War, with many formerly productive people moving away, but that is a subject for another day.

  14. Jamie

    It’s easy to call for a boycott when it has little effect on you personally. I wonder how many crusaders for justice realize that the great majority (by some estimates 90%) of the nation’s winter lettuce crop comes from the Yuma, AZ area. That means if you eat a salad anywhere in the USA during the winter months there is an excellent chance you are consuming AZ produce. Many other fresh vegetables the nation consumes during the winter come from here as well.

    Let’s see some people stand by their convictions! Nothing but meat and potatoes all winter!


  15. Brett Gerasim

    You fellow Arizonans out there can start your boycott of the GOP by voting down Proposition 100, the Republican-backed statewide sales tax increase, this coming Tuesday.

    I am wondering how well Los Angeles will cope with no air conditioning this summer. After all, quite a large percentage of the power consumed in California comes from Arizona. Given that the grid there can barely handle the summer load with it plugged into all our powerplants here, I’d hate to think what might happen unless sacrifices are made.

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