Category Archives: Anti-Semitism

Mel's 'Malady,' Foxman's Fetish

Anti-Semitism, Free Speech, Hollywood, Judaism & Jews, Media

[Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League] “had more to say about Gibson than he had about Seattle’s jihadist du jour, Naveed Afzal Haq. Last week, Haq murdered a Jewish woman and critically injured five other women at the downtown Jewish Federation building…
As a representative of the Jewish community, albeit self-appointed, Foxman needs lessons in etiquette. It’s bad form to coerce or manipulate people into liking, hiring, renting, or apologizing to you. So long as haters keep their mitts to themselves, insulted parties should, if anything, rise above the fray, act gracious—even turn the other cheek. Subjecting people who don’t like you to reeducation programs smacks of busybody social engineering. Gibson may be uncouth, but Foxman is equally grubby…”

The complete column, “Mel’s ‘Malady,’ Foxman’s Fetish,” is here. In it, I also take a good long swipe at the “The Delphic oracles of the disease theory of delinquency,” vis-Ã -vis Mel Gibson’s so-called disease.

Mel's World


About Mel Gibson’s latest performance involving dem Jews: Larry Auster of View from the Right claims that Gibson’s “anti-Semitic ravings while in a state of extreme intoxicationâ€? are not a fair indication of his real feelings about Jewsâ€?—no more than “his ravings and threats against the arresting officers indicate his ‘real’ feelings about police.â€?

Oh yes they are. But let us deconstruct this mistake.

Mel was drunk. Drink lowers inhibitions. In his uninhibited state, Mel didn’t rave against an authoritarian archetype (Cop), but against the genus Jew.

He didn’t mention Rodney King and yell out, “You’re all pigs out to violate our liberties.â€? Instead he conjured a third entity, Jews, spoke of events unrelated to the arrest, and projected his diffuse anger onto this third entity, which he held responsible for the events he ranted about. At one stage Gibson even wondered if the arresting officer was not part of the cabal that menaced Mel’s World.

I like Gibson’s work and will continue to enjoy it. (Bar “The Passion of the Christ,â€? which I didn’t see. Sitting through hours on end of bloody torture, with no happy ending in sight, is not my idea of entertainment.)

So long as Gibson doesn’t lead a pogrom against Jews, his anti-Semitism is his business. There is more credibility in defending his right to be a jerk than demanding phony apologies, making him grovel, or pretending he isn’t what he most certainly IS.

Mel’s World


About Mel Gibson’s latest performance involving dem Jews: Larry Auster of View from the Right claims that Gibson’s “anti-Semitic ravings while in a state of extreme intoxicationâ€? are not a fair indication of his real feelings about Jewsâ€?—no more than “his ravings and threats against the arresting officers indicate his ‘real’ feelings about police.â€?

Oh yes they are. But let us deconstruct this mistake.

Mel was drunk. Drink lowers inhibitions. In his uninhibited state, Mel didn’t rave against an authoritarian archetype (Cop), but against the genus Jew.

He didn’t mention Rodney King and yell out, “You’re all pigs out to violate our liberties.â€? Instead he conjured a third entity, Jews, spoke of events unrelated to the arrest, and projected his diffuse anger onto this third entity, which he held responsible for the events he ranted about. At one stage Gibson even wondered if the arresting officer was not part of the cabal that menaced Mel’s World.

I like Gibson’s work and will continue to enjoy it. (Bar “The Passion of the Christ,â€? which I didn’t see. Sitting through hours on end of bloody torture, with no happy ending in sight, is not my idea of entertainment.)

So long as Gibson doesn’t lead a pogrom against Jews, his anti-Semitism is his business. There is more credibility in defending his right to be a jerk than demanding phony apologies, making him grovel, or pretending he isn’t what he most certainly IS.

Hitler's Mufti Merely Modernized Muslim Anti-Semitism


Via Nora Brinker — our fine friend in Germany, and proprietor of the blog Roncesvalles — comes this documentary, detailing the (allegedly shallow) roots of the Arab world’s affinity to Hitler and National Socialism. Watch the short film about Hitler’s Mufti.

However thorough, this depiction still treats anti-Semitism across the Islamic patrimony as a foreign transplant. Not so. The Quran (especially the later edicts which, by law, usurp the earlier ones) is anti-Jewish. It is the manual for war on Israel and for the eternal hate of Jews.

“Samuel of Acre (1270-1350), one of the most outstanding Kabbalists of his time, writes Andrew Bostom, fled to Italy and Christian Spain, after “ Acre was taken from the Crusaders by the Mamluks in 1291, during a very brutal jihad conquest. Samuel, who was “ [c]onversant with Islamic theology and often used Arabic in his exegesis, observed the following, from his safer haven:

“ In the eyes of the Muslims, the children of Israel are as open to abuse as an unprotected field. Even in their law and statutes they rule that the testimony of a Muslim is always to be believed against that of a Jew. For this reason our rabbis of blessed memory have said, ‘Rather beneath the yoke of Edom [Christendom] than that of Ishmael.

Hitler’s Mufti, then, didn’t invent Muslim anti-Semitism, he merely modernized it.