Category Archives: Anti-Semitism

Hitler’s Mufti Merely Modernized Muslim Anti-Semitism


Via Nora Brinker — our fine friend in Germany, and proprietor of the blog Roncesvalles — comes this documentary, detailing the (allegedly shallow) roots of the Arab world’s affinity to Hitler and National Socialism. Watch the short film about Hitler’s Mufti.

However thorough, this depiction still treats anti-Semitism across the Islamic patrimony as a foreign transplant. Not so. The Quran (especially the later edicts which, by law, usurp the earlier ones) is anti-Jewish. It is the manual for war on Israel and for the eternal hate of Jews.

“Samuel of Acre (1270-1350), one of the most outstanding Kabbalists of his time, writes Andrew Bostom, fled to Italy and Christian Spain, after “ Acre was taken from the Crusaders by the Mamluks in 1291, during a very brutal jihad conquest. Samuel, who was “ [c]onversant with Islamic theology and often used Arabic in his exegesis, observed the following, from his safer haven:

“ In the eyes of the Muslims, the children of Israel are as open to abuse as an unprotected field. Even in their law and statutes they rule that the testimony of a Muslim is always to be believed against that of a Jew. For this reason our rabbis of blessed memory have said, ‘Rather beneath the yoke of Edom [Christendom] than that of Ishmael.

Hitler’s Mufti, then, didn’t invent Muslim anti-Semitism, he merely modernized it.

Channeling Nazi Haj Amin al-Husseini

Anti-Semitism, Middle East

Alan Keyes is the only commentator to have had the heart and spine to express the existential meaning of the act of suicide bombing. Keyes delivered a magnificent sermon on his MSNBC television show, analyzing the evil that is buried in the heart of someone who can painstakingly—almost lovingly—pack parcels of shrapnel, ball-bearings, nails and rat poison, to lodge in the bodies of Israeli civilians.

The rat poison is a diabolic touch, intended to intensify internal bleeding. Surgeons must slice the victims of these fiendish devices open, picking from the flesh and burrowing in the bone for embedded shards of shrapnel, ball bearings and nails. Survivors are left maimed and wracked with life-long disfigurement and pain.

Keyes was man enough and moral enough to point out that this premeditated evil—supported by a majority of Palestinians—bespeaks the will to exterminate another and creates a deep and dark reality in the human heart.

Shortly after the Sermon on Slaughter by Suicide, Keyes’ program was axed.

Click on the link, “3 days in Israel,” for a rare glimpse of what he meant. Note that the horrible exhibit ends with a stupid exhortation to fight terrorism. As if what faces Jews daily in Israel is the upshot of some amorphous thing called “terrorism,” rather than a specific and finely honed hate.

Palestinian leadership and its followers are channeling Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem. Al-Husseini, Arafat’s hero, “supported the Nazis, and especially their program for the mass murder of the Jews. He visited numerous death camps and encouraged Hitler to extend the ‘Final Solution’ to the Jews of North Africa and Palestine.”

The Final Solution to the Jewish State

Anti-Semitism, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

My new column, “The Final Solution to the Jewish State,” is about “archetype Amalekites,” who dabble in “Palestinian replacement theology, speak of the existence of Israel as a sin,” and promote “the concept of the Palestinian Jesus.” They are “pirating ancient Jewish history by superimposing Palestinian fiction on it,” and are “engaged in the ultimate identity theft so as to bring about the end of the Jewish state as we know it.”

Abu Mazen—A Man of Peace?

Anti-Semitism, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In my last column, “Qassam Rockets ‘R’ Us,” I pointed out that Abbas (aka Abu Mazen), Israel’s “partner in peace, signed an accord with Hamas this week that—supports armed action and terrorism against Israel and does not restrict ‘resistance’ to areas occupied by Israel in 1967.’ Retired Ambassador Yoram Ettinger offers a precis of this accord (known as the “Prisoners’ Document”), and fills in some of the blanks our media malpractitioners refrain from reporting:

Notwithstanding Abu Mazen’s seemingly moderate appearance, his embrace of the “Prisoners’ Document” has reaffirmed the fundamentals of his own hate-education: idolizing homicide bombers, the “claim of return”, terrorism and the inadmissibility of the Jewish State.

1. FIVE LEADING TERRORISTS compiled the “Prisoners’ Document”, which has been embraced by Abu Mazen: Fatah’s Marwan Barghouti, serving 5 terms of life imprisonment, Hamas’ Abd Al-Khaliq Al-Natsheh, Islamic Jihad’s Bassam Al- Saadi, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s Abd Al-Rahim Mallouh and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s Mustafa Badarneh.

2. THE GOAL of the “Document” is to restore coordination between the PLO and Hamas, while adhering to the fundamentals of the Palestinian attitude toward the “Zionist Entity”. The goal is not to advance peace with Israel, but to clarify that “Palestinian Unity” supersedes any agreement signed with Israel.

3. THE “CLAIM OF RETURN” by Palestinian refugees to the pre-1967 area of Israel is emphasized five times in the “Document”. The “Claim of Return” is a euphemism for the inadmissibility of the Jewish State.

4. THE STAGE-BY-STAGE POLICY, which was adopted by the PLO in 1974, has been reaffirmed. The “document” calls for the establishment of an independent Palestinian State in the “1967 area”, without withdrawing claims to the “Pre-1967 area” a provisional stage/accord.

5. TERRORISM IS ENCOURAGED by calling for the “widening the circles of resistance” and for the “release of all prisoners” held by Israel “by all means”. These prisoners are held for terrorism and not for theft and burglary. Precedents determine that the terms “by all means” and “resistance” are code words for terrorism, including the abduction of Israelis as bargaining chips.

6. HOMICIDE BOMBING IS HERALDED by urging support of “those who bore the burden of resistance, in particular the martyrs’ families”. “Martyrs” is a common reference, by Palestinians, to homicide bombers.

7. PLO-HAMAS COOPERATION IS HIGHLIGHTED by calling for the implementation of the March 2005 Cairo Accord, which was the latest in a series of PLO-Hamas understandings, engineered by Abu Mazen since the signing of the Oslo Accord. The understandings state that “Palestinian Unity” and Palestinian national claims—especially the “claim of return”—supersede any accord with Israel.

8. ABU MAZEN is the architect of Palestinian hate-education in schools, mosques and official media—the most authentic reflection of his vision, and a manufacturing line of homicide-bombing. Notwithstanding Abu Mazen’s seemingly moderate appearance, his embrace of the “Prisoners’ Document” has reaffirmed the fundamentals of his own hate-education: idolizing homicide bombers, the “claim of return”, terrorism and the inadmissibility of the Jewish State.