” -she has ankles like a rogue elephant. Can she keep them concealed until the primaries? Those ankles may be the touchiest political secret since FDR’s frail health in 1944. Her voice reminds you of an elephant too. A really angry one. If Obama is smart, he will challenge her to debate before a live audience in Bermuda shorts—”
Update: The discussion began with a witty quip about Hillary qua ugly woman (Alex’s explanation, hereunder, best encapsulates why the comment is fun and apt), and has descended into dreary, leftist, politically correct anti-lookism. There are plenty ugly women who speak in sonorous tones, comport themselves with femininity and grace, and have a grasp of their intellectual limitations. Sobran’s quip is great (not so much his assorted historical denials). The entire package that is Hillary should be stamped “return-to-sender.”
As to cultural differences in the obsession with ditzy youths and their looks: I did not find it in other places I lived —not in Europe, not in South Africa (where Africans look up to elders), and not in Israel. Fancy worshipping a demographic at the height of its stupidity! The American workplace —high-tech especially —is also obsessed with the idea that young people are so creative. Bull; older techies have a better intellectual grounding than the current crop.