Category Archives: Elections 2008

Elections: Punish the Pols

Elections 2008, Neoconservatism, Politics, The State

It becomes crucial to remind Americans that, irrespective of political fidelity, politicians—local, state, and federal—must pay for the evil they do. They enjoy the kind of immunity no one in the private sector enjoys. Justice demands punishment, not rewards for what these people have inflicted on us.

If you like paying in blood and treasure for recreational wars, fine; throw the bums out for the nine-trillion in national debt they’ve run up. As our national debt stands, we would not be admitted into the company of socialists: The European Union. The EU “expects member nations to hold deficits below 60 percent of GDP.”

Heck, punish them for Sarbanes-Oxley. Foreign companies are choosing to delist in the US, because of the cost of compliance with our regulations, and opting to list in Europe and Britain. Our capital markets are more communistic than the countries Bill O’Reilly is always mocking.

Just punish the pols. Maybe they’ll develop a Pavlovian response to aversive treatment, if not a dog’s smarts.