Choosing Forms of Slavery



‘No Tax’ then ‘Flat Tax’

Repealing the income tax is the fairest “system” possible. You own yourself, your labor, and the rewards therefrom, lock-stock-and-barrel. But if we have to choose between forms of enslavement, as we indeed do, then the flat tax is the best.

I disagree with the “Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation” for laboring to allay the “fears” of thieving politicians about the decrease in revenues a flat tax rate portends. Let the parasites live within their means.

Still, this information about the global flat tax trend from the CF & P Foundation is important–it relays the degree to which the US will be left in the dust if it doesn’t begin to play economic catch up. (But the band plays on, and the ship of fools keeps featuring the Huckster’s or Neal Boortz’s Fair Tax fatuity.

This from the CF & P Foundation:

“… The number will probably be higher by the time you are reading this, but as this article went to press, 24 nations have adopted some form of single-rate tax regime. These reforms have generated impressive results, including faster growth, more jobs, and increased competitiveness. While politicians generally are most concerned about losing tax revenue, they should not worry. Flat tax systems oftentimes generate higher tax revenues because of more income and better compliance.

The economic consequences of tax reform are positive, but the political implications also are profound. Governments are deciding – in part because labor and capital can cross national borders to escape punitive tax rates – that it no longer makes sense to discriminate against highly-productive taxpayers. Thanks to tax competition, expect the number of flat tax countries to continue to grow.”