Cirque du Islam: The Airborne Imams



Courtesy of Power Line comes coverage of the Flying Imams’ tricks. The latest is a staged prayer protest at Reagan Washington National Airport, with the token Dhimmis in tow (a Rabbi and a minister). (A doff of the hat to Dr. Frank Zavisca for keeping me in the loop). These are the gentlemen who were led off a US-Airways flight after acting suspiciously.

How suspiciously?

1) They requested seat belt extenders, but were not overweight. Then, “Rather than attach the extensions, the men placed the straps and buckles on the cabin floor.”
2) They moved, without permission, from their assigned seats to first class. After the self-initiated shuffle, “the six imams were positioned on the plane from front to back,” covering all exits, in a configuration “associated with the September 11 terrorist attacks.”

Before boarding, the six had prayed loudly, shouting “Allah,” like You Know Who. Quoting a man of impeccable pinko credentials (“former Minnesota Senator and U.S. Ambassador to the UN Commission on Human Rights Rudy Boschwitz,), Scott of Power Line asks:

There you are at the gate about to kiss your wife and kids goodbye and the imams begin praying. Would you walk away and let the family go forward? Or would you be much relieved if the airline said: hold on, we ought to check these guys out. Give me a break and not this liberal bullshit. The airline acted prudently just as it should have.

What all these pinkos collectively ‘and conveniently’ choose to forget is that federal anti-discrimination laws make it practically impossible for airlines to get away with the type of vigilance US Airways demonstrated. The federal government doesn’t really want airlines to be free to protect the flying customers, because this would invariably mean angering the noisy minorities they prize.

For their efforts on behalf of their customers after 9/11, four airlines were made to pay hefty sums to the federal goons because of so-called discrimination based on race or ethnic background. With airlines being only nominally private, they have fewer and fewer incentives to offer the kind of security service flyers desperately want–and need.

Meantime, the Muslim Public Affairs Council has not wasted any time. According the Washington Post, it has already complained to the Transportation Department. “The Homeland Security Department’s Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties said last week that it was investigating the incident.” This is the intrusive apparatus that ought to be the focus of complaints from “conservative” screechers.

4 thoughts on “Cirque du Islam: The Airborne Imams

  1. Dan Maguire

    Are the “federal anti-discrimination laws” Ilana refers to specific to the airline industry or applicable to other industries also?

    As far as the imams go, assuming their behavior has been accurately described, then it is likely that they were deliberately provoking the airline personnel to act so that they could later whine and get the good ol’ CAIR boys all wiled up. Nothing like a little woe-is-me minority indignation to stoke professional victims and their guilt-ridden enablers.

    Bravo to US Airways. Now, what we need is for our federal government to DISCRIMINATE among those who want to enter our country. Barring entry to imams would be a good place to start.

  2. james huggins

    If I had joined the Imans with a King James Bible and loudly invoked the name of Jesus I would have been hauled off and I sincerely doubt that my Bible would have been returned after confiscation.

    But then, people like me merely stand by, pay the taxes, keep the country running and, oh yes, just keep quiet so the government can court their “noisy minorities”. “Professional victims and their guilt-ridden enablers.” Good one Mr. Maguire. I wish I had said that.

  3. John Mueller

    Thank you Ilana for your great articles. Re: The Airborne Imams

    Based on their behavior, I think this situation was extremely sinister and was just part of a bigger plan. I think they purposely wanted to cause a scene as an initial set up for a real attack. [A “dry run”?]

    I think their objective was to make it so people would not be able to challenge this type of behavior in the future, and to create an impression in people’s minds that this kind of behavior is completely harmless so that when the real bad guys set up a real attack, nobody would dare think their actions were suspicious, and/or if they did think their actions were suspicious, would not be able to do anything about it.

    Additionally, from some other reports I’ve read, one of the Imams was blind, which I believe was just another ruse to try and con everyone into thinking their behavior was completely harmless as they are now saying and that everyone just overreacted.

    What’s really sinister too is the belt extenders, which terrorists use to place across the isles to slow down passengers running in the isles trying to get to the bad guys.

  4. Kalmen Shiloh

    I know, the only thing it takes for evil to happen is for good people to do nothing. However, while US Airways did their part, no one has questioned the distribution of hate and murder indoctrination in the madrassas of America. We may not be able to close these brainwashing terror promoting insitutions elsewhere but how can we allow them here in the USA? We were able to wipe most of the neo-nazi miltias, the KKK and other white supremist groups. Why couldn’t we apply the same skills to these Islamo Supremists? Not all whites are bad, not also Muslims are bad but that does not mean those who use their ethnic backround or religion to legitimize mass murder of those they deem lessor humans, should be allowed to run amok. There are laws against conspiracy to murder. We can wire tap the mob…why not this gang of thugs.

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