Concentrate On Involuntary Genital Mutilation

Ann Coulter,Crime,Feminism,IMMIGRATION,Multiculturalism


Ann Coulter:

One white male, Bruce Jenner, merely contemplates voluntary genital mutilation and gets 10,000 times more media attention than the hundreds of thousands of ‘American’ girls being involuntarily subjected to this practice.


“Thanks to decades of mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East, it is estimated that at least half a million girls living in the United States have been subjected to genital mutilation. (And that’s just one of the many ways immigrants are making our country more vibrant!) …”

From “Immigration — Hey, Look! A Cop Yelling at a Black Girl in a Bikini!”

Or as I documented in “Importing Monstrous Morals” (2011), immigration is importing sex-selective abortionists: “Indian immigrant women are using reproductive technologies and liberal abortion policies in the United States to abort female fetuses.” The study was published in Social Science & Medicine. Therein, the objects of observation are quoted as saying this: “There is such a thing as too many daughters, but not too many sons.”