Deadly Decider



Here’s what another, far-less dangerous, Decider had to say about war powers:

“No offensive expedition of importance can be taken until after they [Congress] have deliberated on the subject and authorized such a measure.” —George Washington

It goes without saying that having the cockroaches in Congress debate something, guarantees nothing.

The deadly Decider is still on the loose and dangerous.

Gene’s Healey’s paper, “The Arrogance of Power Reborn,” is well-worth reading, but will probably need to be updated with Genghis Bush’s exploits.

To paraphrase the French political scientist Pierre Rosanvallon, the Bushies speak like Tocqueville but think and act like Robespierre.

4 thoughts on “Deadly Decider

  1. jgoss

    Well. I am concerned that someone decides what’s best for America which is a nation of peoples. What is your solution for dealing with Iran. Iran is the biggest problem in dealing with Iraq. [This is hardly the case] What would you do? [Why not read what I’ve written? After all, like other libertarians–and unlike most pundits Americans love to read–I have been on the right side of history since September 2002. The archive is here, plus pieces on Iran.] I believe the solution in Iraq is taking Iran out of the equation [another failed war? Is that a good idea?]. It will not solve all of the problems, but it will maintain a balance in the Middle East, and hopefully fill a power vaccuum.

  2. Dan Maguire

    OK, I accept the fact that my vote means very little, statistically speaking. Actually, it’s a lot less than very little. Still, I will impute symbolic value to my vote.

    With that said, for whom to vote? It is unlikely that either wing of the Republicrats will offer up a candidate who will wage war only under a declaration from Congress, as mandared by that quaint thing called the Constitution. The two options of which I’m aware are the Constitution Party and the Libertarian Party. I tend toward the Constitution Party, and will likely cast my vote that way in ’08.

    I’d rather throw my vote away on a principled candidate than on a whore. [Agreed]

  3. jgoss

    Well, I’ve have read all of this author’s archived material. But, I fail to grasp that she has a solution with which is the best way to deal with Iran. Sit back, do nothing, and let them build Nuclear Weapons and pray that they do not use them. I am sure that there are those in the world that pray that the US doesn’t use theirs. I am one of those. My father was in the Pacific in WW II and saw the aftermath of Nagasaki. He was troubled by the devastation, yet relieved that it brought about the end of the war, as it is written. However, I am a graduate of public school, so I still do not have a clear picture of any ideas for dealing with Iran. I do believe strongly, that the commander in chief needs to be replaced. Whether, we need one which is diplomatic or one which is a hawk remains to be seen.

    [Let Israel take care of it! That’s my solution. We van’t police the world. Here’s a hint.]

  4. Rick

    The consensus are that if we go to war with Iran, it will be a catastrophy of infinite consequences. First, the economy will fall inmediately. Second, we will be, as a country, more insecure and prone to “terrorism” than ever before.The Russians, more likely, will get involved one way or the other and we are not as prepared and powerful as we have been bragging for decades. They finally called our BLUFF and we have no where to go. The solution? Diplomacy.

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