Devastating New Poll For Swing-State Dems About Obamacare



Writes Robert Bidinotto:

This critical Wall Street Journal article may turn the tide on the ObamaCare vote:

The central argument used by Team Obama to line up wavering congressional Dem support for ObamaCare is: ‘You’ll pay a heavier price in November if we fail to pass ObamaCare, than if you vote for it.'”

This poll proves that this claim is a big lie. It’s the first survey to demonstrate conclusively that swing-district Democrats will pay a heavier price at the polls in November if they vote YES for ObamaCare, than if they vote NO. In fact, if they vote against it, voters are significantly more likely to cut them slack in the next election.

From the poll:

“Sixty percent of the voters surveyed will vote for a candidate who opposes the current [health-care] legislation and wants to start over.” But “the survey does provide a little good news for wavering Democrats. A congressman can buy himself a little grace if he had previously voted for health-care reform but now votes against it. Forty-nine percent of voters will feel more supportive of that member if he does so, 40% less supportive. More dramatically, 58% of voters say they will be more supportive of their congressman’s re-election if he votes against the bill a second time. However, for those members who voted against it in November and vote yes this time, 61% of voters say they will be less likely to support their re-election. Over a third of respondents say they will actively work against a candidate who votes the wrong way or for the candidate who votes the right way.”


Bidinotto thinks “that it is critical that this survey receive the widest possible attention, especially among swing-district congressmen.” He has a request: “Please link to it on your websites and forward this message to others, including your representative. It may just tip the balance in the vote this week.”

I hope so.

5 thoughts on “Devastating New Poll For Swing-State Dems About Obamacare

  1. james huggins

    The planets are aligned for a dramatic and unprecedented turn around of fortunes in Washington. I wonder if Republicans have the backbone or smarts to seize the day.

  2. ~greenhell~

    James, I’d fear that whatever path of political expediency the Republicans choose, it’d look just principled enough to stop people about to leave the two-party system.

  3. Myron Pauli

    The silver lining to the Democrats being in charge is that the Republicans behave far better as an opposition party and that many “conservative” people view government properly – that is, with suspicion.

  4. james huggins

    Hi Greenhell. You are probably correct in your assessment. As many of you who are familiar with my rants know, I am against a third party even though I am for the Tea Partiers and don’t respect the Republicans I feel the cess pool and quick sand world of national politics would devour a hastily formed party.

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