Dhimmis At Ground Zero?

Christianity,IMMIGRATION,Islam,Jihad,Terrorism,The West


The following is from my new, WND.Com column,Dhimmis At Ground Zero?”:

“‘Call me jaded or unsentimental,’ wrote one of my readers, ‘but the World Trade Towers were ugly Rockefeller buildings built by the abuse of eminent domain (my friend’s dad lost his job at a private firm there) and taxpayer theft and operated at a great loss to the taxpayers. They were known mainly for a dreadful remake of King Kong. While I mourn the loss of 3,000 Americans, I am not about to elevate the Towers into the Beit Hamikdash (The Temple in Jerusalem).'”

“My unorthodox patron was responding to news that the American Society for Muslim Advancement (quite literally) plans to erect a ‘Mega-Mosque’ at Ground Zero. The advancing Muslims say this is a peace offering – a center intended to foster Muslim tolerance and temperance. Most Americans, well-represented by the energetic crowds that pitched up to protest this affront, don’t believe them. (Taqiyya anyone?)”

Neither do I. To count as a peacemaking offering, the ‘Sulcha’ must be considered conciliatory by those it is intended to pacify. …

Less clear, however, is the course of action protesters intend to pursue. Defeat this act of domination, and the invasive species will take root elsewhere. Yet, restricting acquisitive property rights in a free society should never be entertained. As far as I can tell, then, all anti-mega-mosque activists are requesting is kindness and consideration from those they regard as conquistadors.

How like dhimmis! …

The complete column is Dhimmis At Ground Zero?”

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14 thoughts on “Dhimmis At Ground Zero?

  1. Douglas in CT

    Would not “Kitman” also apply as well?

    As I understand it, there are two ways allowed in the Koran to deceive the Infidel (i.e. non-moslem)in order to promote Islam:
    Taqiyya – The Direct Lie
    Kitman – The Lie of Omission.

  2. Daniel

    The paleo-conservative, traditionalist Catholic writer John Zmirak has written his weekly column on a Catholic convent in Staten Island that is to be handed over to a Muslim Brotherhood front group to be converted into yet another mosque:

    The Reformation is one thing; the Islamic wars of jihad are quite another. I’m less able to muse in wistful, comic fashion about the latest ecclesiastical land transfer I’ve learned about: the shady sale of a Catholic convent in my native New York City to an Islamic group founded by members of the terrorist-sponsoring Muslim Brotherhood — an Islamic supremacist Egyptian group that encourages the persecution of that country’s beleaguered Coptic Christians. Church officials have been (characteristically) shifty and evasive about how this sale occurred, and locals still hope it may be reversed, thanks to all the controversy it has provoked.

    There are so many places that once stood at the heart of Christendom — Constantinople, Alexandria, Damascus, Hippo, now Kosovo — where churches were seized by Islamic conquerors and gutted, the icons’ eyes gouged out, the statues beheaded, the altars smashed. The whole of the Middle East was majority Christian right up through the time of the First Crusade, though its population gradually succumbed to the conquering faith under the pressure of constant, grinding persecution. Does the Archdiocese of New York really have to add one more Christian building to this sad catalog of ruin?

    When it comes to Islam, the political, cultural, and religious elites have eagerly embraced dhimmitude and have all but sold out the our society to The Religion of Peace.

  3. Daniel

    On the same topic, Baron Bodissey of the Gates of Vienna blog has posted an interview with Sam Solomon, a convert to Christianity from Islam, on mosques and their role in the Islamification of a society:

    Islam is not simply a religion. Islam is a socio-political system. It is a socio-political, socio-religious, socio-economic, socio-educational, socio-judicial, legislative, militaristic system cloaked in, garbed in religious terminology. And therefore Islam is not like any other religion…


    Islam is a system. And wherever there is a Muslim community there will be a sharia. And wherever there is a sharia there is an Islamification of the territory and ultimately of that nation.

    This is stuff that should be known by anyone who wonders why the proposed mosques at Ground Zero and in Staten Island should not be built.

  4. David Smith

    The longer our multi-cult, progressive, utopian masters refuse to take the necessary action to stop this Islamic incursion all over the country (Actually, they encourage it), the more certain it is that blood will be shed. There are still folk out here, in the hinterlands at least, who will not continue to put up with this.

  5. james huggins

    The Muslims will sneer in your face, kick your dog and stab you in the back at the same time. What do Americans do? They start debating about why we aren’t sensitive enough and hand wringing over what we did to make our enemies hate us. From the look of things, most rank and file Americans, rubes like me, don’t like the idea of a Mosque going up at ground zero. I don’t care how the towers got built I just know how they came down. Americans need to stop agonizing about their national shortcomings and start to cowboy up and protect the country. If people want to agonize over national shortcomings maybe they should start with Syria or Iran or France, etc.

  6. Myron Pauli

    Well, I am honored with your essay! In electronics terminology, a DIODE allows current to flow IN ONLY ONE DIRECTION. That is how Islam acts. Toleration is important as long as Islam is the minority and the Moslems need to build their mosques and midrashas under the protection of religious liberty. Toleration ends when there is anything considered (by the Islamists) to be disrespectful of THEIR religion – that cannot be tolerated. Islamists may offend anyone else’s sensitivity but no one may offend their sensitivity! When Moslems become the majority signifies the moment that toleration completely ends.

    Erecting Mosques at the WTC site or the Temple of Solomon is the ultimate act of triumph over the foe. It is the bitch-slap equivalent of hoisting the flag on Mount Suribachi. It is victory, not tolerance.

    Once Baghdad had 65 synagogues, now there are not even 65 Jews (not that Jews are ever counted as “refugees”). Number of churches and synagogues in Saudi Arabia: zero. The Islamic world, in its idealization, is the ultimate GROUND ZERO – ZERO freedom, zero questioning, zero dissent. Perhaps there should be a Mosque in lower Manhattan when there are Buddhas back in Bamyan, Afghanistan.

  7. George Pal

    The folderol around the ground zero mosque reminds me of the Flight 93 National Memorial bowl (originally a crescent) scheduled for next year.

    The memorial bowl will be a place where… (From the .pdf file under Memorial Design):

    ‘visitors will encounter multiple landscape experiences’ complete with a ‘sacred ground set against a backdrop of hemlock trees,’ along with a ‘Tower of Voices’ with 40 wind chimes’.

    An aerial view of the memorial brings to mind the Nazca line geoglyphs in the Peruvian desert.
    A symbolic view of the memorial brings to mind a victim cult for whom the ‘hemlock’ touch is Greek tragic irony.
    A reflective view of the memorial brings to mind a necropolis of a once confident, dynamic, proud, nation.

  8. Robert

    It is true that in many Eastern cultures, most especially Muslim, aggressive males dominate submissive women. In modern Western culture where aggressive females dominate submissive men, it is quite natural to react to our “encroaching dhimmitude” with feelings and protest signs. We in the West have preached for decades that the feminine is not merely the equal of, but is superior to, the masculine in many (most/all?) categories of human endeavor. This should be an interesting test. Not to put undue pressure on the liberated and their estrogenic male cohorts, but “failure is unacceptable”, to quote our Metro Sexual – In – Chief :-). Do I have a “Yes We Can”? … Very good article.

  9. Ingemar

    That there are any plans to put a mosque there proves that there are dhummies on Ground Zero.

  10. Barbara Grant

    Recall that not only the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were hit on 9/11/2001; the Pentagon was, as well. I’d highly doubt whether Muslim organizations would be so brazen as to promote a mosque on that DoD site. Were they to do so, I can’t imagine the extent of the negative reaction they’d receive from U. S. DoD employees, who will have to live the rest of their lives with the images of their friends and colleagues killed there.

  11. james huggins

    Our chiefs of staff are so concerned with diversity and avoiding any criticism of Muslims, no matter how many soldiers are killed outside of recruiting centers and on Army posts, they would probably let a Mosque be built at the pentagon. After all a good suckup job to the political leadership in Washington would be considered as a move for job security to the generals.

  12. Derek

    Tying this post with your previous one on Paleos and Israel, I wonder what difference would it make if Paleos supported Israel. Would such support of Israel prevent the coming Dhimmitude you describe? Would it help stop the gutting of Europe and North America? Would it prevent the massive demographic change that awaits us?

    If Western Civilization is to be saved, or in fact can be saved, it must be done in Europe and NA first.

    As for Israel, her best bet is to become China’s best friend and not count on Europe and NA.

  13. Myron Pauli

    James Huggins has it right – the Chief of Naval Operations said that “Diversity is the number one priority of the Navy”. DIVERSITY!! Not freedom of the seas or maritime dominance or something?

    I wouldn’t be suprised if the Pentagon has a Mosque named after that famed Army soldier,
    Nidal Malik Hasan.

    Of course, perhaps a Mosque near the WTC might wake up Americans – assuming anything can wake up Americans.

    Re: Sharia (Islamic Law) – no objections to using it in mutually agreed internal disputes between Moslems any more than using a Rabbi or Priest as an abitrator/counselor. But to impose it on the unwilling is an abomination. Again, Moslems mislead about sharia pretending that the latter (compuslory Islamic law) is the former (voluntary abitration).

  14. Roger

    Barbara Grant is wrong. It was a Muslim affirmative action beneficiary who gunned down everyone at Fort Hood.

    And what did the DOD do about it?

    It strengthened gun control rules and regulations on military installations! http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/fort_hood_shootings/Guns_rules_tightened_at_Fort_Hood.html

    The globalists at the Pentagon are in on the Death of the West. Don’t think otherwise.

    As for the Death of the West in general, the largest mosque in Western Europe is in Rome, Italy. http://romethesecondtime.blogspot.com/2009/06/europes-largest-mosque-in-rome.html

    Of course it was globe trotting, multi culti Pope John Paul II who approved of it.

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