Elizabeth Edwards



Watching snippets of Tim Russet’s October 2006 interview with Elizabeth Edwards, I couldn’t help but like and admire her. (On the other hand, when presidential candidate John Edwards —her husband —speaks, he sounds, as my late grandfather would say, like an ox. But then I never listen to him; I just look, because he’s so handsome.)
She spoke not of politics but of her book, Saving Graces: Finding Solace and Strength From Friends and Strangers. (Her “editor” did her a disservice; the correct preposition is “in,” as far as I can tell. You find solace and strength “in” someone, not “from” them. But then who cares about English, right? The consistent incorrect use of prepositions is one of the tell-tale signs of lowbrow writing, in my opinion.)
Topics such as grief, “closure,” and coping —clichés when expatiated upon by America’s recovery experts and assorted professional grievers —rang so true, coming from Edwards. The interview, a thumbnail sketch of the woman really, revealed a humble, beautifully spoken, intelligent, and refined lady. The Hildebeest (our recent discussion about one of her less menacing attributes is here) and Elizabeth Edwards —the two have personalities that are polar.
Edwards has lost a great deal of weight, probably due to her health ordeal, and is looking quite lovely. There’s a word in Hebrew, “Chen.” It encapsulates more than do the words charm or grace and befits E. Edwards.

One thought on “Elizabeth Edwards

  1. concha

    Mrs. Edwards looks terrific and I wish the very best for her. What a terrible ordeal.
    How interesting that you consider Mr Edwards handsome–to my eye, he is too pretty. I can tell that he is without a mechanical bone in his body, and couldn’t repair his own car if his life depended on it. I bet he has real soft, perfectly manicured hands. He is just another jaw-flapper who wants to rule the world from his comfy desk. These people are only about acquiring wealth–have they said a word about the North American Union, Patriot Act, Real ID, Agenda 21, etc..? No, they are schemers like the rest of them, no real ethics.
    I am voting for Ron Paul, a physician with real life skills, a true patriot, and a rebel against the New World Odor.

    [I said Edwards is good looking, not ideal. But how does that lead to a discussion about who to vote for?]

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