Update II: Fascism Rising (Henry ‘Nostrilitus’ Waxman)



A couple of day ago a number of major companies came out with the preliminary assessment of the costs to each of the “Manna From Mount Olympus” bill, namely Obama’s healthscare legislation. The fascist state that America has become responds sternly to economic forecasts that go against the government’s grain. You may be called on to justify yourself if your assessment of your books diverges from the government’s.

“Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, has summoned some of the nation’s top executives to Capitol Hill to defend their assessment,” reports the Washington Examiner.

Waxman wants “the executives to explain themselves at an April 21 hearing before the Energy and Commerce Committee’s investigative subcommittee.”

As Byron York points out, “Waxman’s demands for documents are far-reaching. ‘To assist the Committee with its preparation for the hearing,’ he wrote to Stephenson, ‘we request that you provide the following documents from January 1, 2009, through the present:

“(1) any analyses related to the projected impact of health care reform on AT&T; and (2) any documents, including e-mail messages, sent to or prepared or reviewed by senior company officials related to the projected impact of health care reform on AT&T. We also request an explanation of the accounting methods used by AT&T since 2003 to estimate the financial impact on your company of the 28 percent subsidy for retiree drug coverage and its deductibility or nondeductibility, including the accounting methods used in preparing the cost impact statement released by AT&T this week.”

“Waxman’s request could prove particularly troubling for the companies. The executives will undoubtedly view such documents as confidential, but if they fail to give Waxman everything he wants, they run the risk of subpoenas and threats from the chairman.”

AN enterprise’s freedom of speech, right to privacy, prerogative to disseminate information about its finances and accounting—this government is asserting ITS right to infringe all these and more.

The Republicans had similar witch hunts when in power (which is why I’m perplexed that some conservative commentator are convinced, and keep repeating, that only now, under Obama, have they lost these freedoms). The “Sarbanes-Oxley Act,” signed into law by President Bush, was government’s response to The People hoisting their pitchforks against business. Also known as the Corporate Corruption Bill, it singled out a much-maligned minority for the kind of persecution that, if visited on women, blacks or Jews, would be considered actionable, hate-filled discrimination. Hearings were all the rage at the time too.

Update I (March 30): Related: “Dems fear honest Obamacare accounting”:

Democrats, in their zeal to raise revenues and improve Obamacare’s claimed effect on the federal deficit outlook, took away a tax break these companies needed in order to supply prescription drugs to their retirees. The tax subsidy, itself a government accounting ruse crafted in 2003 by the Republican Bush administration to dissuade corporations from dumping their retiree drug benefit programs on the then-new Medicare Part D, becomes taxable under Obamacare. Corporations are now being reminded of the harsh truth: What Big Government giveth, Big Government taketh away, too.

Update II (March 31): Henry “Nostrilitus” Waxman (thanks for the laugh, Greg):

4 thoughts on “Update II: Fascism Rising (Henry ‘Nostrilitus’ Waxman)

  1. Dennis / Tampa

    Let’s think about this request…

    Some politicians have “requested” that several major U.S.-based firms travel to the Congress along with mountains of records, emails, notes, etc., etc. Do these politicians care about the costs involved? Nein…err…No.

    ACHTUNG…err…Attention all CEOs. You will be INTERO..err…asked some questions UND YOU WILL COMPLY!…err…and we politely request your responses for the TRIA, uh, record.

    MACH SHNELL…err…your prompt replies will be appreciated.

    AUF WIEDERS…err…Good Bye,

    HERR WAXMA…err…

  2. Steve Hogan

    Wouldn’t it being nice to see the tables turned on these arrogant politicians? I’d pay to see a malignant human being like Waxman get the third degree.

  3. Myron Pauli

    I am fortunately off to a Passover Seder to tune out the real world for an evening. We have had 100 years of unconstitutional meddling of taxes, aid, regulations, subsidies – NONE of it authorized and NONE of it having any resemblence to a government whose role is to SECURE OUR RIGHTS. Between FDR, LBJ, Wilson, Bush, Obama and the Congressional hacks and 100,000 pages of the US Code, I would be hard pressed to tell which thug is violating what. Sadly, the leading American companies are mostly complicit in this mess as well. How many of the CEO’s and managers contribute to liberty supporting candidates?

  4. Greg

    Members of Congress should be hauled before the American people and grilled about how they have looted the U.S. Treasury and violate the Constitution on a daily basis. Henry “Nostrilitus” Waxman is a complete joke. Can the CEO’s just tell him to shove it? Make him get a subpeona. I don’t know.

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