Freak Street



The freaks of the Occupy Wall Street (bowel) movement make it plain that they want what Charles Payne of the Fox Business Network has worked so hard to attain. Their case? That Payne, who began his business in a Harlem basement apartment, with monies borrowed from family and friends, owes his success to the rabble and its willing sponsor, government.

Yes, statists and their prized sponsors—moochers and looters—like to claim that if not for the state, to whose coffers they hardly contribute—man would be unable to produce.

That’s like saying that the tick created the dog! Production predates government predation. Government doesn’t produce wealth—it only consumes it. What, pray tell, would government have fed off if people were not hard at work well before the advent of the bureaucracy? As usual, the statists have it topsy-turvy. First came the individual—he is the basic unit of society, without which there can be no society. And without man’s labor there is no wealth for government to siphon.

Meet two more good Americans: Derek and John Tabacco, proprietors of a small business on Wall Street. The two businessmen staged a counter-protest against the Occupiers, holding up neon green signs that read “Occupy a Desk!“ and ”Get a Job.”

“We got a bunch of small business owners together…and we thought that ‘hey, any good occupation couldn’t be ended without some resistance,’” John told Fox News, adding that there was a coalition of about 50 small business owners who are part of his movement.
“They were coming after us , they were screaming at us, trying to get in our face, putting their hands on us,” he said. He also identified with the “53%” — the group that pays taxes that the other 47% doesn’t — and said the “silent majority” was giving them the thumbs up during their counter-protest.

[The Blaze]

Predictably, the slimy tries to discredit the Tabacco brothers’ case for industry and work by discrediting them.

3 thoughts on “Freak Street

  1. james huggins

    I don’t think any thinking person is puzzled by the disjointed and corrupt actions of the occupiers. Radical, left extremism has always been a message of illogical and hysterical people. That the country has not long ago, and I mean years ago, ostracized the education system, the fourth estate and the coddled, flea-scratching jerks they produce is a sign of our weakness our populace.

  2. Robert Glisson

    Did you have to wash your hands and the keyboard after reading a couple of Salon’s articles? I did.

  3. Trilby

    OWSers are contributing to the coming chaos. Chaos will dissolve the current, evil regime. So they are not to be scorned.

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