UPDATED: In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum

Europe,Homeland Security,Intelligence,Islam,Jihad,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Neoconservatism,Terrorism,The West


“In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

“HEY, it’s me, Salah Abdeslam. Did you see the attacks across Paris? Bismillah, may we have many more like them. Brothers Brahim, Abaaoud, myself and others pulled it off. I’m still in Paris. I need a ride back to Brussels. Come get me.”

After executing 130 people in Paris, Nov. 13, and maiming many more, Abdeslam called his compadres in Belgium to ask for a lift home. I can’t vouch for the precise wording of the telephonic exchange between Salah Abdeslam and his contacts in Belgium. But the call took place, as BBC News reported. And it must have been quite a relaxed one, circumstances considered.

Still on the lam, Abdeslam knows he has nothing to fear. The French authorities were on heightened alert. The Kufar’s telephones had all been tapped. Yet Salah’s faith in the French fools was unshaken for a reason.

Without court orders, as The Guardian tells it, François Hollande’s socialist government taps phones and emails, hacks computers, installs “secret cameras and recording devices in private homes”; infects French Internet and phone service providers with “complex algorithms” designed to “alert the authorities to suspicious behavior.”

Yet it all—the French Surveillance State—amounts to naught.

Like gun laws, spy laws oppress only law-abiding, harmless individuals.

As in all western democracies, France’s Big Brother surveillance apparatus is as useless as it is oppressive.

France’s “protectors” knew nothing of the conversations taking place under their noses. … Yes, Salah knew all too well—still knows—that offensive speech French authorities would diligently prosecute, all the more so when uttered by a “white supremacist.” But a suspicious looking swarthy supremacist like himself, hellbent on killing his hosts, would not so much as be stopped for an inquisitive chat. …

Read the rest. “In The West The Inmates Run The Asylum” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine.

UPDATE: PLEASE, I never want to hear Michael Savage’s nonsense about liberalism being a mental illness repeated to me, not by my readers.

There must be no medicalizing of stupidity and misbehavior in this space. This is a gross error of logic. To do that, as Savage does, is the heights of leftism and confused thinking. By that logic, any erroneous thinking is rooted in misfiring neurons, except that there is ZERO evidence for the organic basis of bad thinking and bad behavior. None! A stupid, malevolent person is responsible for what he does and for what he believes. There is no disease process behind liberalism. Readers who repeat this nonsense are hereby assigned the entire Mercer works archived under psychiatry, pop-psychology, and especially “Psychiatry and The Therapeutic State.” Longtime readers who repeat this error must carry added guilt of knowing that they broke my heart today. I expect a thorough familiarity with the thinking of my beloved pal Professor Thomas Stephen Szasz, RIP, on so-called mental disease.

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