It’s About Federalism, Stupid!

Federalism,Media,The Zeitgeist


“Would that Republicans fussed as much over the many fully formed human-beings dying daily in Iraq, as they do over fetuses. But they don’t. And for that, the GOP—”culture of life” and all—was hurled from both houses. With the Democrats in control, we’re likely to witness many more grand mals over stem-cell research. So, let me attempt to untangle the issue, not least of all for Rush Limbaugh.”

“The pompous talk-show host’s sneering assault on a deformed Michael J. Fox was utterly depraved. Aping Fox’s Parkinson’s-induced spasms, Limbaugh told listeners: “He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act.” Rather than lampoon an-obviously afflicted human being, someone with a head and a heart would have stuck to the issue…”
So what is the issue? Get the goods in my new WorldNetDaily column, “It’s About Federalism, Stupid!” (Barely-a-Blog readers will be familiar with the theme.)

5 thoughts on “It’s About Federalism, Stupid!

  1. David Yeagley

    “Would that Republicans fussed as much over the many fully formed human-beings dying daily in Iraq, as they do over fetuses.”

    A bit esoteric, don’t you think? The men and women in Iraq are there by choice. An apparent political inconsistancy is not automatically a moral contradiction, I don’t think.

    Aren’t libertarians great proponents of free choice? Individual responsibility?

    My, how stimulating your comments are! That is indeed characteristic of your writing, Ilana. If intellect can in any way be considered sensual, you have transcended the differentiation. You are quite a unique writer.

    Now, back to pursuing the truth of the matter…Actually, it doesn’t even seem possible! not when you’ve brought words into this special arena you create. It is truly fascinating..

  2. Michael

    It sounds like you only heard about what he said and did from the mainstream press.

    [No. I saw the tape–he tapes his every move.]

    He specifically said that Fox was either acting or off his meds. I only heard him say this live. I did not see him “flailing his arms” or whatever he did.

    [He did! It’s on tape for all to see. Pretty ugly stuff.]

    He also posted those comments, along with everything else that he says, on his website so that people will have no excuse to take him out of context. Rush did apologize for saying it was an act, although in some sense it was an act or “for show” because Fox purposely adjusted his meds so that his Parkinson’s symptoms of jerky movements would be enhanced for the ad. Fox later said he was over-medicated not under-medicated, as Rush surmised. Rush even cited in Fox’s book that he did that purposely before Congress in 1999 while lobbying for federal funding, and it’s on this point that I agree with you. There is nothing in the constitution granting Congress the right to fund research only to protect intellectual property, and amendments 9 and 10 further their limited role. Rush consistently promotes these principles. In fact, I never even studied the constitution until I started listening to him and others like him. After his apology to Fox, he spent the next two weeks addressing the issue of people feeding at the public trough and even more so the lies told about embryonic stem-cells by some of those same people. [I searched, but could not find evidence of Rush saying, vis-a-vis the case of Fox, what I said he ought to have said] He decries affirmative action, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare, public works and all other unconstitutional expenditures and laws. He only sings Bush’s praises [pretty loudly] when it comes to his policies of tax cuts, strong national defense and security (which sometimes includes war) and judicial restraint all of which are consistent with the constitution. On all other Bush policies, he strongly disagrees.

  3. Kenneth R. Brush

    FEDERALISM=ENUMARATED POWERS not UNLIMITED POWERS. The Senator from RI Mr. Caffee’s admission as to the reason he ‘was’ a Republican is the perfect argument for the Constitutional Limitation of Power. He has stated the party allowed the importation of FEDERAL FUNDS (Federal income taxes; read reappropriation, redistrubution of wealth, Robin ‘the Central Committee’ Hoodism as in hoodlum/thief) for his agrandisement of the smallest state in the Union. This body of politrix that confiscates funds from its citizens as if the citizens were property is crime enuogh but the redisrubution based on political agreements, power brokering, ‘law’ making and general good ole boys networking deserves the perscribed treatment recommended by Thomas Jefferson that I will not repeat for fear of reprisal the afformentioned ‘Central Committee’.

  4. James Wilson

    Regarding the first comment. Yes, American soldiers signed up voluntarily and are in Iraq by “choice.” But Iraqis are also fully formed human beings, are they not? And they are dying every day, by the score.

  5. graham strouse

    Maybe it’s just me, but why is there this fizzy little part of my brain that equates “Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker” with “Mission Accomplished?”

    I’m speaking as someone who, forced to choose between Tweedledee & Tweedledum, voted “D” in every race save one–Chuck McIlhinney, who was running for the PA State Senate. My guys won straight down the line & I’d vote the same way tomorrow, but I still keep waking up with this not-so-fresh feeling every morning. No matter how many times I shower or wash my hands, it just doesn’t seem to go away.

    I just sorta feel like I was given a choice between having my nostrils flossed with barbed wire & being forced to jump out of a six-story builing onto a bed of nails.

    Is there a politician left in America who doesn’t have to take his shoes and socks off to count off numbers between 11 & 20? How about one who does better then six out of ten when asked, “What is your name?”

    Anyone know if Iceland is taking in American refugees?

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