Laid-Back Barack

Barack Obama,Government


Bush was no workaholic, but the media diligently and derisively chronicled his all-too frequent escapes to Crawford, Texas.

Laid-back Barack heads to the hood (Chicago) for a leisurely, long, week-end, instead of reading 1100 pages of “Stim”–as Doberman Olbermann calls the Thing affectionately–and the New York Times is enraptured:

“Leaving the protracted battle over the economic stimulus plan and the difficulties of some of his cabinet nominees behind him, Mr. Obama sought a return to the familiar in Chicago: He worked out at a favorite gym. He played basketball with his buddies at the Chicago Laboratory School. He got a haircut from his favorite barber at a friend’s apartment. ‘This weekend was a good time for the family to spend time in Chicago and see a few friends,’ the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said in an e-mail message.”

Far be it from me to protest when a parasite takes a break. Still, this guy is surprisingly lax considering the state of the country. Playing basketball, working out, watching ballgames and hanging with pals; having his hair cropped, wining and dining his wife–this guy is mellow. And all three weeks into a new job.

3 thoughts on “Laid-Back Barack

  1. EN

    I was noticing this tonight. One has to wonder if he’s just too stupid or too confident? Either way we’re screwed. I’ve seen this mess coming for over twenty years and yet with each passing year we do something to make the final outcome infinitely worse. The real question is what will he do when he finds out what he’s done? Will he jump Marxist of Facist? It’s not clear to me.

  2. Myron Pauli

    The state of the country is usually better when Congress is not in session (or perhaps when the President is out of town) – I think Reason Magazine even quantified this.
    The unemployment rate in June 2003 was 6.3 % and when we “had” to pass last
    years’ emergency bailout in October, it was 6.6%. It is now 7.6% after the last emergency bailout. Still, Gerald Ford (9%) and Ronald Reagan (10.8%) did not resort to “stimulation” for the crisis. Two quotes come to mind: Mencken: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed …. by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary” and Rahm Emanuel: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” The Messiah successfully used the crisis to spook the media and the American Sheeple to get his trillion bucks and socialize the economy, now he can relax with his pals and shoot hoops. The REAL crisis occurs when the US Dollar goes belly up next decade as Luo Ping can see.

  3. Andrew T.

    And so the saga of our Prophetic Motivational Speaker in Chief continues…

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