Life On The ‘Swedish American Health-Plantation’

Healthcare,Liberty,Pop-Culture,Propaganda,Regulation,Republicans,Sarah Palin,Socialism,The Zeitgeist


Thomas Fleming administers a dose of reality about our “Swedish American health-plantation,” the lying conservatives and their standard-bearers, Palin and Gingrich, an infantile and retarded under-class that makes for a sizable clamoring class, and most enjoyable: the good doctor cocks a snook at a servile, stupid, unfree people afraid to live or die:

“I eat when I’m hungry, drink when I’m dry,

And if whiskey don’t kill me, I‘ll live till I die.”

Spoken like a free man.

Read “Just Say No — To Healthcare”:

“The American medical system, however, teaches us to live each day in bondage to death. Not dying—as opposed to living well–is the big objective, followed only by being healthy. This is exactly like our educational system that is not at all concerned with training minds to be intelligent and creative but is only interested in propaganda, basic literacy and job skills. Since they cannot really improve the performance of the stupid, they create equality by stultifying the intelligent. The result of the American Health Education and Welfare State is three generations of Americans who are stupid, timid, and servile, incapable of appreciating anything better than Michael Jackson and Desperate Housewives. They cannot even roll their own cigarettes; indeed, they don’t smoke, not because it is a stupid vice but because it will cut short their entirely pointless lives. There is truth in what we used to say in the good old days, ‘Anyone can quit smoking, but it takes a man to face cancer.'” …

Read the complete post.

3 thoughts on “Life On The ‘Swedish American Health-Plantation’

  1. M. B. Moon

    Our society suffers from obsessive-compulsion disorder. The obsessive need to compel others (via government). Some folks should consider that:

    1. Good ideas don’t need to be forced on others.

    2. Bad ideas should not be.

    [Stealing from others is not obsessive-compulsive so much as greed, sloth and avarice all combined.]

  2. Myron Pauli

    A nice provocative essay.

    Meanwhile, the “conservatives” are playing the AARP-card a.k.a. Geezerphobia with the “keep the government out of my Medicare” nonsense!

  3. M. B. Moon

    “[Stealing from others is not obsessive-compulsive so much as greed, sloth and avarice all combined.]” Ilana

    That has been true historically but a new menace is the compulsive need to “Save the Planet” by restricting liberty. I would bet that true liberty is the most safe approach but that is counter-intuitive to many, including me formerly. However, the good news is that the Universe is so deadly that many will despair of human ability to survive without Divine Intervention. Then we might return to a principled approach instead of the current unbounded pragmatism.

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