UPDATED: Local, Low Birth Rates & Immigration Are Unrelated, Except By Government

IMMIGRATION,The State,The West,Welfare


The following immigration “argument” has been made by Mark Steyn, and, to be fair, by good guy Pat Buchanan: Westerners are, somehow, unwittingly responsible for the amorphous thing called mass immigration. (That thing just happens, right?) Because westerners won’t procreate at rates deemed acceptable by welfare experts, Third Worlders must be imported to make up for the demographic deficits.

Come again?! And what absolute nonsense.

A low-birth rate people is entitled not to be ethnically cleansed by its government’s immigration policies, even if its people are not reproducing as they “should.” Fertility and immigration are unrelated, except through and by government.

The State and the statists tie the two issues together by using the one, low-birth rates, to excuse the other (mass importation of immigrants).

From “Beck, Wilders, and His Boosters’ Blind Spot”:

… I am told that I don’t understand Mr. Steyn of the dooms-day demographics. So I listened to his “End of Europe” lectures, in which he vividly describes the multitudes of Muslims going forth to North America and Western Europe to be fruitful and multiply and push for Islam. Their Pan-Islamist identity trumps their new assumed identity. Because of numbers, Mark asserts, History is on the march in the Muslim direction. By 2030 much of what we think of as the developed world will be part of the Muslim world.

Here Steyn hits a brick wall. Other than making babies at home and total war abroad, he proposes nothing much at all. Oh yes, if you’re not already fighting (futilely, in my opinion) in Iraq and Afghanistan, you can show your marbles by publishing offensive cartoons, making rightwing movies, and writing right-wing text.

The “One-Man Global Content Provider” is wrong. Demographics need not be destiny. The waning West became what it is not by out-breeding the undeveloped world. We were once great not because of huge numbers, but due to human capital — people of superior ideas and abilities, capable of innovation, exploration, science, philosophy.

Declining birth rates—and their antidote; the mass immigration imperative—are the excuses statists make for persevering with immigration policies that are guaranteed to destroy western civil society and shore up the State. …


UPDATED (3/10):