Maher's Moronity



Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time,” told Joe Scarborough he wants Bush impeached, but not for anything meaningful, such as, say, prosecuting an illegal and unjust war. Oh no, after all, Maher was down with the mob on that one—he wasn’t exactly unwavering in his opposition to the invasion of Iraq. Instead, the HBO host thinks impeachment proceedings ought to be initiated on the grounds that, on 9/11, after he had been told by Andrew Card that America had been attacked, Bush sat put for seven minutes at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School. The president was there “to read to a class and talk about education.”

Maher’s notion of an impeachment is as frivolous as the one initiated against Clinton.

5 thoughts on “Maher's Moronity

  1. james huggins

    Bill Maher is a typical showbiz yutz who, lacking any descernible talent, picks the “hot button” isue of the day to appeal to the vast sea of non-thinkers out there. He is an obnoxious turn off to any thoughtful person. That’s probably why he enjoys a large TV audience.

  2. concha

    I have long wondered why anyone cares about what this guy says–he is just a comedian, is he not? And Maher is as politically correct as they come: his guests parrot the same tired, leftist rhetoric of old. Boring!
    I know that he hates religious folk–honestly, he is just an unattractive hack, in my opinion.

  3. Pam Maltzman

    Unfortunately, Maher has, on at least one occasion, publicly described himself as a “libertarian,” which made many of the rest of us (who describe ourselves as libertarians) BARF.

  4. Carolus

    Maher thus proves himself the complete idiot I always thought he was. There may be actual legitimate reasons to impeach Bush. This is hardly one of them. It’s laughable.

    Lawrence Auster, who is anything but a Bushevik, describes the response of some of our more illustrious members of the US Senate in the Capitol – a direct target of the attack that infamous day – here. Maher has no idea how funny he really is. Pathetic Clown.

  5. Matthew Woodson

    The war in Iraq is probably an impeachable offense. However, without 9/11 we couldn’t have had the war in Iraq. Bush just sitting there isn’t why we should consider impeachment, but Maher is getting warmer.

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