NEW ON YOUTUBE: Deep Tech As Pirates In Competition With The State:
… In which I share a few leftover thoughts about Deep Tech or Big Tech, as pirates in competition with the state, wishing their woke leaders could commandeer the ship of state. Certainly, when Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, and Amazon were growing up, they wanted to be government. Now they are!
Perhaps I am less “libertarian” in that the distinction between JB (Joe Biden) or JB (Jeff Bezos) restricting my freedoms loses much significance these days just as people overseas probably don’t care whether it is the Air Force (government) or Blackwater (for profit industry) that bombs their house. The prophetic book Animal Farm ends: “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already
it was impossible to say which was which.”
We miss your voice over these pixelated pages, which I am working to revive. Please write again, Myron. Our good friend James Huggins, a Southerner so colorful and animated in his expression, passed away. We need your vivacious voice.
Please don’t read any kind of judgment into the following qustion, as there is none. It is simply a legitimate question that I think deserves debate. You said, Parler was subjected to economic aggression. My question: Does such economic aggression warrant the use of physical aggression to combat it?
This brings to mind the fact that some World War II historians seem to claim that Pearl Harbor could be described as physical aggression by Japan to combat economic aggression by the USA.