UPDATED: Onward to Uganda!

Africa,Barack Obama,Foreign Policy,Military,War


I’ve never thought much of the president, as you know. But even I was overly optimistic about Barack Obama’s powers of discernment, having once ventured that in the so-called good war (Afghanistan), Obama had found a war he could call his own. BHO has fewer qualms than Genghis Bush himself about pursuing “wars of the womb” (Libya) and skirmishes for certain select causes (no congressional authority required): that’s the guy’s style.

Now, at the behest of B. Hussein Obama, US troops have joined forces with one Ugandan tribal entity against another, and are hunting for a war lord: Joseph Kony of the Lord’s Resistance Army. (I dilate briefly on this conflict in my book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa”; it’s emblematic of most of the faction fighting that grips Africa.)

BHO, however, believes “that deploying these U.S. armed forces furthers U.S. national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa.”

I had failed to sufficiently appreciate both the depths of Obama’s stupidity and the breadth of his abuse of office.

UPDATE (Feb. 7, 2012): “Obama decision to send troops to Uganda comes under new scrutiny.”

10 thoughts on “UPDATED: Onward to Uganda!

  1. Steve Hogan

    I’m at a loss to adequately describe this policy. Hare-brained? Desperate? Foolhardy?

    However one characterizes it, it demonstrates that our president is wholly lacking in sound judgment. Why would any military officer or enlisted man follow his lame-brained orders?

  2. Robert Glisson

    “Obama’s plan in dealing with the LRA calls for increasing “protection of civilians,” Libya has been going on for how long? NATO was going to protect the civilians right? Their kill rate is much higher than the Libyan government’s. The article stated that thirty-four tribal units sent a ‘thank you’ to Obama for his troop commitment. I wonder what their next year’s letter will be.

  3. Fred Cummins

    There are no good sides in Uganda, but if there is a Christian side we will take the other. He is a Marxist idiot and his bunch is on the streets now and unlike many I do not believe they will ever go home. I believe that this will deteriorate into a full blown Marxist Revolution and many of the innocent protesters will be the first casualties. A hundred special forces to Uganda, man am I glad I am not one of them.

  4. Roger Chaillet

    Perhaps he is reprising the Cold War, though without the Soviet Union as bogeyman.

    Maybe the answer lies here. http://www.afrika.no/Detailed/16472.html

    The whole of the world is now the Neocon sphere of influence.

    And the Chinese and Russians are not allowed.

  5. Kent Probst

    Earlier this year I wrote a comedy screenplay about a Texas border town that secedes from the United States. The screenplay turned out to be very prescient. In the screenplay, President Vijay Hashish sends the U.S. military into the fictional nation of Magumbo to overthrow the president there, because they are sending military equipment to the Texas border town.

  6. My RON-PAUL i

    Even if there was some need for the United States to send troops to Uganda (roughly the ends of the earth), this should be a decision for the Congress to make. Both parties have decided that our Armed Forces are the personal Praetorian Guard of Der Fuhrer (regardless of Fuhrer).

    Remember that we helped the replace Idi Amin with Milton Obote (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_Obote) who turned out to be a bigger butcher than Amin. Now we get into Sudan, Chad, Rwanda, Barundi, Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania (and all the assorted “liberation movements”) with Obomber’s decision.

  7. David Smith

    I’ve had the sense that our masters at least paid lip service and gave a nod to the Constitution, however much they might personally despise it. Now it seems they’re brazenly flaunting their contempt for the rule of Law.

    Are these the front-end of “interesting times”, as the Chinese curse goes?

  8. Dennis

    This morning, Oct 16, on Fox News, Mulcahey and Ridge identified a group of 3,800 people in Iraq who are solidly for a secular society and that the U.S. HAD PROMISED TO PROTECT THEM IN THEIR EFFORTS.


    More MISDIRECTION…we’re off to Uganda…and WarFront 4 or is it 5 ???

    [Hi Dennis; thanks for your contribution. Could you leave off the CAPS, please? They make it hard on the eye and difficult to comprehend, mid-sentence.]

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