Please, Sean Hannity, Less Noise

Ann Coulter,Conservatism,IMMIGRATION,Media


Please Sean Hannity, it is not often that you entertain a guest who knows her subject. But when you do, please let the odd, knowledgeable guest get a word in edgeways. Even the most retarded of your viewers is, by now, familiar with your own quick-fix program for America, repeated ad nauseam on radio and TV. So there is no point in shouting these bullet points again and again, over each guest who makes a feeble attempt at speaking on the Hannity Show.

Seriously, you don’t understand the nuances of centrally planned, mass immigration. When she is allowed on Fox New, let Ann Coulter explain to you that even if good people flow across the border with no end insight, Other, Unseen, Better people must work to support the first horde of uneducated, welfare-dependent cuties. Please Sean Hannity, stop talking, for once! You used to be humbler about your lackluster knowledge.

There is nothing worse than straining to glean important information drowned in the din you make about your plan for America: the one penny plan, school vouchers (as opposed to free-market education), medical savings accounts (as opposed to free-market health care), conquests abroad, yada, yada, yada.

Today, Sean Hannity, your lineup (Trump and Coulter) was far and away better than Megyn Kelly’s. She is fast succumbing to the vulgar female instinct to show-off, bare too much, flirt, wink, talk, too, over her guests, and kvetch excessively. Make a point of not emulating Kelly or Bill O’Reilly.