UPDATED: Poignant Crime-&-Punishment Comments From Dr. Petit



“Closure is a term invented by imbeciles” was one. I offered a precis of this particularly heinous case of home invasion (“all burglars are home invaders”) in the post, “You’re The First Line Of Defense For Your Family.” Even better were the biblical, ten-commandments comments of Dr. Petit’s father-in-law, which are not yet online (please send them along if you find them).

UPDATE: “Jennifer Hawke-Petit’s father, Reverend Richard Hawke, told reporters, ‘There are just some people who do not deserve to live in God’s world,’ in reaction to the death penalty sentencing.” Via Inside Edition.

It would be a great blessing if one of the Petit relatives or friends took up self-defense and Second-Amendment activism. Someone very close to me in South Africa watched two men enter his home on a Sunday afternoon, when the family was beside the pool, relaxing. He saw his wife flee, as in slow-motion. He rushed to the safe, where the gun had been kept. Then aimed at the invaders and yelled, “Get the hell out of my home.” They fled like the cowards they were. From then on, this man has carried his piece on his ankle. (The family also needed therapy.)

The sadistic letter the Connecticut killer and rapist Joshua Komisarjevsky wrote from prison makes clear that this is just what he and his accomplice, Steven Hayes (placed on death row today), needed.

2 thoughts on “UPDATED: Poignant Crime-&-Punishment Comments From Dr. Petit

  1. james huggins

    This whole incident is a gut wrencher. The invaders need killing and the soooner the better. We are indeed responsible for our own and our family’s defense. It’s a world full of predators who look at the rest of us as dinner to be eaten. These predators will rape, rob and murder people and 30 minutes later won’t even remember what their victims looked like. I don’t know where the father was during all this. Evidently he was neutralized by the attackers but I wonder how they got him in his sleep when his dog was probably barking and he was able to get his gun from the table by his bed. What’s that you say? He didn’t have a barking dog? He didn’t have a gun? Oh I forgot. This wasn’t the South where most men would be able to make themselves heard from. This was Connecticut where men are civilized and unarmed. What a crock. I hope I’m wrong about the father, but who knows?

  2. Myron Pauli

    I will admit to not following the case much but it would seem that if there is an overwhelming body of evidence, it should go to trial in a few months if not sooner. There should be some automatic appeals in 90 and 180 days and then Old Sparky (or Old Gassy) in about a year. If there is a purpose for government, it is to punish those who violate life, liberty, and property of others.

    Sadly, we have a situation where the government agressively intrudes in what it should NOT be doing (managing the lives and stealing the property of law abiding citizens) and often fails to do what it SHOULD be doing.

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