Population Exchange: Say Europeans Leave, 3rd World Migrants Take Over

Africa,America,EU,Europe,IMMIGRATION,Intelligence,The West


A thought experiment: Say evil Westerners were to just give up. We’ve had enough of being put upon and blamed for the evil and dysfunction of the world. Let’s agree to a population exchange. Here, miserable third-world migrants. Take America and Europe. We’ve had it with your dysfunction and deviance. You, sacred migrants and your liberal, philosophical concubines; in governments and NGOs: Take our countries. We’ll take your ramshackle lands on one condition: You and your liberal bedfellows are never to come near us ever again.

After a few decades, maybe half a century, the new abodes of Westerners will have flourished, Europe and America will look like Africa does today.

Quod erat demonstrandum. Q.E.D. (“that which was to be proven”). Or close.