UPDATE II: Protesters: Walking Ads For Bounty Business Creates (Kanye Joins Smelly Rally)

Business,Capitalism,Economy,Free Markets,Government,Technology,Trade


This detailed image titled “Down With Evil Corporations,” via LRC.COM, depicts the walking contradiction that the potentially violent Wall-Street protesters embody. The clothes they wear, the devices they use to communicate and transmit their (mostly) sub-intelligent message, the food they buy cheaply at the corner stand to sustain their efforts—these are all produced, facilitated or brought to market by the invisible hand these unproductive people wish to lop-off.


UPDATE I (Oct. Eighth): Myron you’re confused; your reasoning is backward. Corporations don’t have the powers you attribute them; to the extent that they have this list of powers you wrongly imbue them with—they got them from government. If government stuck to its constitutional (originalist) mandate, all else would fall into place. The feats you ascribe to companies are only ever made possible by state edict. I’m surprised you don’t see that Perry didn’t have to accept a bribe, the government doesn’t have to grant Microsoft all the H-1B visas it wants (while the IEEE reports that 4 percent of American engineers are unemployed), it doesn’t have to recapitalize the big banks, etc, etc.

UPDATE II (Oct. 11): Rapper Kanye West drops in on the Smelly Rally (“Occupy Wall Street”) “wearing $355 GIVENCHY shirt” and lots of gold, all fashioned by business for his pleasure.

11 thoughts on “UPDATE II: Protesters: Walking Ads For Bounty Business Creates (Kanye Joins Smelly Rally)

  1. Scherie

    These people are so concrete bound, I doubt if they even realize the blatent contradictions in their thinking(or non-thinking).

    This whole situation stinks because if this were legitimate, they would go straight to Capital Hill. Since it is the politicians at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and Congress who are destroying the fiscal health of this nation.

  2. Robert Glisson

    When I was a kid and started my first savings account, the bank paid three percent compounded every six months. That meant, they loaned the money out at over six percent. I paid 9.5 percent on my house, bought in 1978. Then the feds moved into banking. Interest rates on everything except credit cards went to zip. My earnings on a CD dropped to one percent earnings as the government pumped more money into the economy, devaluing the dollar. That means the banks could only make a living on multiparty loans or credit cards. The government keeps pumping money into the economy, Obama wants another bail out, this time 450 Billion to go to ‘jobs’ which will devalue credit to a half a percent and the idiots are blaming the banks and demonstrating; while giving the government a free pass. I sure hope this isn’t a resurrection of the anti- intellectual Chinese Red Guard.

  3. MY RON-PAUL i

    The OWS is a leftist version of the Tea Party – a grab-bag mix of hippies, leftist celebrities, and some hardworking angry people. Like the Tea Party, there is much to be angry about – even “evil corporations” (as opposed to good corporations).

    When corporations like Pfizer use eminent domain to confiscate private
    property, they are evil. When corporations like Archer Daniels Midland push through ethanol subsidies, they are evil. When corporations like Blackwater kill innocents in Iraq with no accountability, they are evil. When corporations like Merck (I’m a stockholder) bribe Rick Perry to mandate using Gardosil, they are evil. When corporations like Bank of America, Citicorp, Goldman-Sachs, Wells Fargo, Countryside, GM, Chrysler steal taxpayer money for bailouts, they are evil. And then you have “corporations” like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Amtrak, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae, etc. which are entirely evil. When corporations use the regulatory state apparatus to stifle competition, they are evil. When corporations push unnecessary military hardware on the taxpayer, they are evil. When corporations push Immigration Amnesty and phony visas to force wages lower, they are evil. So count me in the march against the EVIL corporations.

    I’ll support the GOOD corporations!

  4. Greg

    What is frustrating is that the media will hold these protesters up as heroes and the Tea Party protestors as homophobic, racist, selfish bigots and potedntial terrorists. This country is dead.

  5. G. Wass

    Thank you for saying the truth about these ‘Occupy Wall Street’ freaks. They are anti-work, anti-effort, anti-capitalism, anti-corporate, anti-life.

    They just want to take the bank’s, or successful people’s, money. Bottom line.

  6. Dennis

    are being tossed into the garbage heap more-so than back in the ’60s when the big protests were for racial equality and
    the end to the Vietnam fighting. My perspective is that we are moving backwards.

    Please consider: http://www.amazon.com/Dictators-Handbook-Behavior-Almost-Politics/dp/161039044X

    Also consider THE PRINCE by Machiavelli.

    Are Swiss Banks looking more appealing? Are the elections in small towns, cities, counties looking more winnable for Libertarians and Conservatives? Are high-level technical skills more in demand than the majority of those degrees in “softer subjects”?

    The “herd of people occupying various cities” want to live off YOUR EFFORTS. The rest of the people keep saying “don’t go down that road” ‘cuz it’s bad.

    Perhaps Brer Rabbit had it right…let’s get tossed into that “gimme everything for free” briar patch, collapse that idea with shear numbers, and use our individual intelligence to profit ourselves and protect our families. I am quite fatigued by demonstrations, movements for universal justice, PCism, and cultural equality rants, favoritisms, and propaganda. GET SOME SKIN IN THE GAME AND PROVE YOUR WORTH, otherwise, shut-up.

  7. MJ Druitt

    I feel that OWS, like the Tea Party, has been taken over by the established political parties, and thereby marginalized and discredited. COINTELPRO at its best. It is unfortunate, the intentions of both were noble and correct, but the execution of their strategy was lacking and easily co-opted. Most people can’t see past the phony left-right paradigm. It’s two sides of the same coin, and the object is to keep you from getting hold of that coin and looking too closely at it.

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