Refugees & The Hysterical, Horny Swedes Who Love Them

Feminism,Gender,IMMIGRATION,Islam,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Pop-Culture,Sex


The erotica fueling the fascination with the tall, dark, Middle-Eastern young men smuggled into Europe is something I covered in “Left-Liberalism’s Homo-Eroticism” (3/14/2016) and again in “Are Liberals Turned-On By Turning The Other (Gluteus Maximus) Cheek?” (2/6/2017). In blog posts, too, going back to 2012.

The “Angry Foreigner” (very clever and terribly crude) exposes the horny, menopausal Social Justice Warriors (SJW) behind the fetish, calling this archetype a “Bohemian witch, tie-dye hag,” and worse. It is this horny SJW who’s lusting after young men.

I’ve made the point that it is the feel-goodism of do-goodsim itself that gives these idiots a sexual rush.

In any event, the horny SJW is in a position of power to (inadvertently, in my opinion) fuel the immigration, as she generally works for The State or for some related interest group that influences policy. She is particularly prone to hysteria.

At about 15:35 into the broadcast. European commenters are much wittier and daring than ours. Brighter. But this is definitely too risqué.