Retarded Rabbi

Christianity,Judaism & Jews


“A [Seattle] rabbi is receiving hate mail and angry phone calls,” reports Reuters, “after Seattle airport officials took down its Christmas trees in response to his request to include a giant Menorah in the airport’s holiday decorations, his lawyer said on Monday.

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport removed its Christmas trees on Saturday after Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky threatened to sue the Port of Seattle, which operates the airport, if it did not include a menorah into its holiday decorations.”

Let us hope our good friend Rabbi Daniel Lapin metes out some biblical justice to this errant fool.

One thought on “Retarded Rabbi

  1. Pam Maltzman

    Retarded Rabbi indeed! LOL. With stuff like that, plus the anti-self-defense mentality of many of my fellow Jews, and I sometimes wonder how “we” got such a reputation for being above-average in intelligence. A former high school classmate of mine ran for public office on the platform that he wanted to make his constituents safer by taking away their guns!

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