Updated: Retards Redesign High School In Their Image



I can’t say it often enough: “Homegrown retardation is far more pressing a problem than homegrown terrorism in modern-day America.”

How does one cluster of severely compromised pedagogues and parents deal with the reality of aggregate IQ differences between white students, on the one hand, and blacks and Latinos, on the other?

Why, by eliminating the harder subjects with which the stupider students can’t cope. Why allow the smart student to learn science if the stupid can’t?

How do these cretins hope to help fat students? By prohibiting track-and-field meets for the fit? Ugly students, of course, can be pacified by disfiguring pretty ones. That was easy.

The adults described in “Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs,” “working” as they are to cripple clever kids and knee-cap the workforce, have clearly themselves been subjected to the kind of “education” that eliminates the gifted for the sake of the gimps.

They should be subjected to something far worse.

If you have kids in the public school system; remove them forthwith!

Update (Jan. 6): The retards, as expected, are doing the exact opposite of what that genius Thomas Jefferson instructed:

Geniuses, currently the recipients of two pennies out of every 100 educational dollars, must be “raked from the rubbish,” wrote Jefferson in “Notes on the State of Virginia.” Jefferson (he was not perfect) favored a very limited (only three years gratis) public education for Virginians. Unlike Education Secretary Rod Paige, whose most important contribution to literacy was to call the NEA (America’s largest teacher union) a “terrorist organization,” Jefferson understood that not every child can learn “Greek, Latin, Geography, and higher branches of arithmetic.” He did, however, insist that all must know “reading, writing, common arithmetic,” and history (nothing, you will note, about “social science” and “self esteem”). “History by apprising them of the past will enable them to judge of the future,” Jefferson noted.

9 thoughts on “Updated: Retards Redesign High School In Their Image

  1. haym

    Thanks for the heads-up on this one Ilana. Fortunately here in New Jersey – land of 635 schools districts, with all our problems, this has not happened and our public schools are still “ok”.

    I sent the following email to Mr. Ng:

    Dear Mr. Ng, I have read this story in disbelief:


    Is this story really true???

    So, no more science at Berkeley High? Science is a “whitey” subject? Maybe we should go back to just learning how to build houses and hunt bear? Why bother with any academic subjects since with every passing year the public schools do a more dismal job at educating anyone? But I forgot, this is Berkeley, where all are born equal and will remain equal regardless of their work ethic or innate abilities. And if you cannot master an important subject, you don’t want to make the student feel bad, so you just cancel the subject.

    This country thanks you! On the way down to third world status, we will have people such as those who make the decisions at Berkeley High to thank.

    With disbelief and no respect,

    [Great letter; please post Mr. Ng’s response if he bothers.]

  2. George Pal

    The dichotomy between public “educational” institutions and private offers an opportunity not only to stem the tide but to ridicule it.

    And the ironic upshot of lowering academic standards and elevating self-esteem in pursuit of a perfectly egalitarian demos is that the bright lights shine brighter. If the private sector, religious, secular, and professional, can’t make hay of this then… just deserts.

  3. Roy Bleckert

    This has been going on for the past 25 years in Ca. in our race from first to worst in education

  4. Bob Harrison

    I wish that this was a surprising story. Egalitarian radicals want to close all gaps the same way, by knocking those on top down a notch or two. They don’t care what is best for society as a whole or what is moral, they’re obsessively focused on inequality.
    I’d be curious to know what the reaction of the Asian families are to this travesty.

  5. haym

    Mr. Ng’s response:

    Good Morning Professor Benaroya,

    Thank you for your input.


    [Outrageous: did you give him your credentials as a scientist? He won’t give a tinker’s toss that you’re a taxpayer.–IM]

  6. haym

    I wrote him on my academic email account that included enough details for him to know my credentials.

    Actually, I am surprised he responded at all. These people, especially in that part of the country, follow the mantra of “feel-good” politics, even though they should be dedicated to the education of those entrusted to their care and guidance. It is no accident that we, as a nation, are where we are.

  7. james huggins

    It’s no wonder the lion’s share of engineering and med students are asians and hispanics. [Come again?] I blame the parents/voters for allowing this to happen.

  8. Myron Pauli

    What can be expected of a retarded country following an unconstitutional, bureaucratized, phony-egalitarian program entitled “LEAVE NO CHILD BEHIND”.
    Of course, people should be left behind. That is what competition and the search for excellence is all about.

    The primary victims of this idiotic Berkeley policy will be those poor and minorities who are actually smart enough to do scientific work but will be cut down in the name of equality. The wealthy and those with professional parents can find alternative education – private schooling, summer programs, moving to better towns …

    I just got a resume of friend’s son who is graduating Harvard with 9 refereed publications and 10 professional conference talks and is having difficulty getting a job (I’ll look around for openings at my Lab). So perhaps we are doing a favor by cutting out science education and instead encourage kids for better stable parasitic professions such as Fannie Mae lenders, health care regulators, Islamic “nation builders”, and affirmative action co-ordinators.

    Have they tried to make the European/Asian kids eat lead paint or other ways to lower IQ of the “overperforming ethnicities”? They would test in Ebonics if that would generate EQUALITY.

    [This is hilarious; you are too much, MP]

  9. james huggins

    Come again? Last year when I spent 7 weeks in hospital with a hip replacement and a stroke I was treated by 6 or 7 doctors. 2 were Americans, 1 was an Afghan, 1 was Chinese and 2 were Hispanic. (Venezuela and Panama) One of my daughters in law is an architect and a native of Caracas. Evidently in South America the education system in some areas is very good.

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