UPDATE III: Rick Perry: Bush Only Prettier (Or Palin Without the Bra)



William N. Grigg puts Rick Perry in perspective: “Why doesn’t everybody admit that the figure known as ‘Rick Perry‘ is simply Josh Brolin’s version of George W. Bush?”

Another way I’d describe Perry: Palin without the bra.

I imagine that Perry and Sarah Palin get on well.

UPDATE I: In reply to an unruly fight talking place on my Facebook Wall between neoconservatives and libertarians:

“First of all, Michael Farris, you failed to transcribe my facebook Wall post accurately; it’s ‘Palin without a bra.’ You misquote me, even though my post is above yours, more or less. No wonder you were too slack to look over my Articles and Blog Archives for my GOP ticket proposal. I’ve spilled plenty pixels over the past two years making practical proposals that comport with my principles, but are not way out in libertarian wonderland. Finally, all of you: keep a civil tongue in your head. I’m going to remove rude posts”

UPDATE II: SB: But all you are talking about is style, not substance. What about Perry’s policies? Have you examined the political similarities between Bush and Perry? (Btw, we libertarains cheered Bush when he started out. That was b/c he too waxed fat about the evils of big government and promised a humble foreign policy.) What you say here makes one thing plain: Give him the gift of the gab and a better face than the Ewok Bush, and a Republican estalishmentarian masquerading as a conservative will win you over. Never mind his political proclivities.

UPDATE III (Aug. 16): Mrs. Greenspan to the Rescue! Posted by Christopher Manion, at LRC.COM:

So let me get this straight. NBC news opens with the taxpayer-funded ObamaBust tour. Obama blows off a Tea Party guy who doesn’t like Joe Biden calling him a terrorist, and then unctuously schools Rick Perry for calling Bernanke a potential traitor (but they never mention why. Forbidden word: Inflation).
Apparently, Perry has purloined Ron Paul’s view of the Fed. Good for him. But not for Mrs. Alan Greenspan (a.k.a. NBC’s Andrea Mitchell), who parades an Obama spokesman and establishment Hot Tubber Karl Rove as the voices of reason — how dare anyone endanger the Fed’s “independence,” Mrs. Greenspan wails. (I am not making this up.)


13 thoughts on “UPDATE III: Rick Perry: Bush Only Prettier (Or Palin Without the Bra)

  1. sunny black

    I disagree completely. The W-Bush comparison and Bush 2.0 bromides are obvious, unoriginal, and weak. For all the similarities in mannerisms, posture, and verbal tics, Bush speeches always sounded like a middle school class clown reading plagiarized book reports in a dull monotone. Perry, whatever his faults, can improvise, think on his feet, knows what he’s talking about without coaching, and seems to have a confidence that is borne of real-life living. My understanding is that the Bush’s aren’t fans of Perry; which is another positive for Rick. Finally, in a recent speech I heard Perry mention central planners and the evils they bring with them, but, as yet, I haven’t heard him gush the effeminate jargon of compassionate conservatism.

    The Palin without the bra comparison would be more appropriate, but Perry’s sentences aren’t overly reliant on those annoying dangling modifiers.

  2. Robert Glisson

    You mean that you found out that neoconservatives are just as rude and crude as liberals. I’m grateful that libertarians are willing to scuffle. We used to take the high road and we can tell how well that worked. If you can keep everything down to a low roar, it’ll work out. Oh, yeah, conservatives never read the full post, only enough to pick a side and it’s all or nothing. Some libertarians are that way too, unfortunately.

  3. Robert Glisson

    Aw shucks, now I have to look up “Dangling modifiers” Bush- Prescription plan. Perry tried to get all thirteen year old girls anti-cervical cancer immunization. Plus he suggested to Mexico that the border regions of Mexico and Texas consolidate medical services. Socialized medicine without borders. Bush pushed trade and the transcontinental freeway through Texas. So did Perry. Perry insisted that Illegals be allowed to attend Texas schools and use Mexican textbooks to teach in Spanish, now the Texas school system is deep in debt. Bush and Perry are/were pushing amnesty. Bush was tied to the Mexican communications industry, Perry is tied to a large Mexican Company whose name I forget, starts with a ‘C’ Cintras or something. No doubt it will come out soon. He has not helped Texas any more than Bush did; nor, will he as president. But, he’s a better speaker doesn’t cut it. Us Okies look for dogs that hunt, not show. I don’t know what or where my vote will go; probably just stay home with the current crop the way it is.

    [Please provide hyperlinks as proof of policy statements.]

  4. Dan Jeffreys

    As a lifetime resident of Texas I can say the man being portrayed in the national media bears absolutely no resemblance (except in looks only) to the the guy who’s been the Governor of our state for years. Texas is doing better than any other state in these hard times but what folks need to understand is that the way our state government is set up, the Governor is almost a figure head, he has very little power. The Lt. Governor is actually much more powerful in the state government. That’s how we survived G.W. Bush and Perry all these years without them destroying our state. Remember, Rick Perry tried to seize countless acres of land via eminent domain for his Trans Texas Corridor (I like to refer to it as the Rick Perry memorial highway). Doesn’t exactly sound like the “small government, anti establishment conservative rebel” being portrayed on the tv does it?

    [Very good; thanks. I’ve posted this to my FB Wall too. Please join me on FB.]

  5. My-RON PAUL-i

    Ron Paul speaks truth to statist power but will never be allowed to win the Republican nomination and probably will not pull more than 25% in any meaningful primary race (but he WILL get my vote!). Gary Johnson (bad on immigration) can’t even get himself into the debate – so much for mass media “free speech” 2011 style. Michelle is straddling between the Neocon/Social-con statists and some libertarian ideas – a difficult balancing act.

    The rest of the bunch are “Republikeynesians” – spend money and cut taxes and bomb the planet Welfare-Warfare statists and basically Bush clones to run against the Messianic Afro-Bush (whom they hate for partisan and symbolic reasons more than actual policy). It makes for good TV like a football game but in the end, we will have more statism 2013-2017 with Texobama Perry, Mormon Obama, or Afro-Bush.

    I think dad Ron Paul is trying to pave the way for Rand in 2016.

  6. My-RON PAUL-i

    By the way, “nutcase” Ron was on FOX 10 minutes ago while I was in the hallway – “but you have no chance to win” (the old process media question)… and “what if you’re wrong and Iran drops a nuke on Israel?”. Ron Paul said “Israel can and should defend herself and we do not need to interfere. Israel has 300 nuclear weapons and I supported her attack on the Iraqi reactor…”

    Meanwhile, here is the legacy of the Bush-Obama “mainstream” – ethanol mandates causing Global Instability:


  7. CompassionateFascist

    Perry and Bush loath each other; definitely a positive. And today Perry suggested that Ben Bernanke be dragged off to Texas and horsewhipped/executed for “treason” if he prints any more money. Republicrat Karl Rove is in a tizzy. Sounds good to me. Perry polarizes, and I’m all for that. Perhaps he’ll select Bachmann for VP.

  8. Robert Glisson

    PS Regarding, ‘open borders,bi-lateral health care. “http://bunkerville.wordpress.com/2011/08/15/slick-rick-perry-supports-bi-national-health-insurance-with-mexico/” I’m done.

  9. Roy Bleckert

    @ MyRon “I think dad Ron Paul is trying to pave the way for Rand in 2016.”

    I think it started out that way Ron laying the ground work for Rand in 16

    But things change in politics on a dime & Ron has been building & growing his support in a consistent basis, while the others go up & down like a yo yo

    Ron has the most loyal supporters reading the cross tabs in various polls if the keeps building a stronger base ….

  10. james huggins

    I hear Rick Perry kicks dogs and was once seen trying to peek up Mother Theresa’s skirt. Both He and Sarah Palin sacrifice babies to Satan in secret midnight ceremonies.
    I don’t know about Rick yet but as I said before I’m hopeful. Unlike most Republican candidates he looks like someone who can attract voters. It’s well known that I think the world of Sarah, but Mercer long ago convinced me that she is not Presidential material. the beat goes on.

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