UPDATE III: ‘Ron Paul Revolution, Give Us Back Our Constitution’ (Media Grand Mal)

Elections,Republicans,Ron Paul


Ron Paul’s victory speech, for it is a victory for liberty:

UPDATE I: GOP Delegate Calculator: Ron Paul has 10 delegates to Mitt Romney’s 12. And Blitzer quipped that Ron Paul might want to stay in the race! The media is having a collective grand mal.

UPDATE II: Romney’s speech.

UPDATE III: MEDIA GRAND MAL. The Ron Paul vote by income: Paul got the 28 percent of voters earning between 30-50K to Romney’s 27 percent. Hey, gaseous Gloria Borger is having a hard time understanding something: Media painted Mitt Romeny as an evil rich person, yet his support is almost like Paul’s support among middle to lower income voters in NH.

7 thoughts on “UPDATE III: ‘Ron Paul Revolution, Give Us Back Our Constitution’ (Media Grand Mal)

  1. My RON-PAUL i

    Ronald Reagan LOST 8 of the first 9 contests against Gerald Ford in 1976 but stuck it out to the party convention and nearly won the nomination:


    The CBS survey of January 8th (which allows for “none of the above” and “someone else”) showed Mitt Romney with an overwhelming 19% support nationwide:


    Now, I do not believe that Ron Paul will win but he could get 25% of the delegates, prime time speeches at the convention, and help in writing a pro-liberty party platform.

    Ron Paul was clobbered among the over 65 Medicare-dependent types but carried the under 44 generation. The battle for liberty is not going to be won in 2012. It will be up to others (Rand Paul??).
    Romneycare economics or Obamacare economics will help convince others that
    Wolfgang Pauli’s characterization of Einstein’s theories “not so stupid” is also applicable to Ron Paul’s “out of mainstream” views.

  2. Rebel Without a Clause

    Sure. “Rand Paul in 2016”. We don’t have until 2016: bullets, not ballots, well before then. And the “platform”? Are you joking? The Party platform is forgotten before the ink is dry. Ron Paul needs to go Third Party. But, with each passing day, that looks less likely. Too bad, so sad.

  3. My Ron-Paul i

    Gary Johnson is there to carry the usual 0.5% of the vote for the Libertarian party. Thanks to Ron Paul, it might be up to 2%.

    If Dr. Paul ran in 2012, he might get 5% with a lot of luck, help re-elect Obama, and kill any chance of Rand Paul in the Republican Party. For pragmatic reasons, he needs to state his case like Reagan did in 1976 and then quietly let Romney and Obama (and Johnson etc) duke it out.

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