Updated: 'Secure Fences Work at White House'

Barack Obama,Homeland Security,IMMIGRATION,Technology


What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Jon Feere of the The Center for Immigration Studies exposes the hypocrisy of the man who’s entrusted with the protection of his countrymen. That goes for the previous occupant of the heavily fortified White House:

“Open-border advocates often claim that fences don’t work. Why, then, does the White House have a secure, dual perimeter fence (both metal and ‘virtual’) and limited points of entry—with officials doing quick background checks at each?

Answer: Because fences work to filter the good from the bad. This fact was just illustrated at the White House yesterday when two illegal aliens attempted to enter the premises for a tour. The individuals were taken into custody after a routine background check by the Secret Service uncovered that they had outstanding immigration orders against them.

So the President is safe, but what about the rest of us?

It’s not that difficult to imagine such a system along our national borders. Is it too much to ask that our government protect those of us not fortunate enough to live in a gated community?”

Updated: Myron, how genteel. Sean, also in the business of designing all those signal things, laughed at the notion of a virtual fence. Unlike a dog, man will not turn and run from high-frequency signals. As Sean quipped: the sturdy illegal will stuff earplugs in his ears and march on. Unless you have a physical presence to turn back flesh-and-blood people, signals are worth squat.

5 thoughts on “Updated: 'Secure Fences Work at White House'

  1. Myron Pauli

    Take 2 30 foot high highway sound barrier layers, roughly 100 ft apart, embed some uncooled thermal, visible, and perhaps short-wave IR/night vision devices – several/mile – together with buried microphones, optical tripwires, night illuminators, and some signal processing – with sentry posts every 5 miles and a road down the middle – and there will not be 1,000,000 crossing / year. Of course, perhaps the Greenspan-Bernanke solution of wrecking the economy is also helping to stem the flow – I prefer the former.

  2. Virgil

    It is ironic that that US government will send the military to work as border guards in Iraq, but refuses to do anything about our own. The US will do it utmost to keep terrorists, smugglers, and other criminal elements out of Iraq, but doesn’t seem to mind if those same shady elements decide to make a run for the US.

  3. Robert Glisson

    Shoot, we just built or are building one of those fences already. The new US built fence between the Palestinians and Egypt. To protect the Egyptians from the Palestinians, I mean.

  4. Roger Chaillet

    Virgil does not understand. Uncle Sam wants to assert his hegemony in the Middle East. Thus the desire the borders of Iraq. In this hemisphere he wants a merger with Mexico and Canada. Thus the unimpeded flow of illegal aliens.

    For proof look up George Bush’s “jelly bean summit” with the premier of Canada and the president of Mexico.

    Now do you understand?

  5. Van Wijk

    Bush (like most of the neocon elite) is a misty-eyed, true-believing liberal. He always saw himself as something of a benevolent caudillo (what do you think he meant when he gushed that family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande?). He loves Mexicans (legal or otherwise) far more than his own countrymen.

    Moreover, it was this earnest belief in the fundamental sameness of all men that led Bush and his neocon dogs to invade and democratize Iraq. You can’t hope to make democrats of people if you think they won’t immediately seize democracy with both hands. Leftists and neocons both value foreigners higher than you.

    Your government hates you. This is what we have to deal with.

    As far as the fence goes, upon seeing no impediment, your average Mestizo will give a good-natured shrug of the shoulders and shamble on north. An actual fence is needed, supplemented by roving, heavily-armed patrols. At this point I really don’t care whether they are border patrol, U.S. Army, or Minutemen.

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