Spring Rape



On Fox News, Dana Loesch and Megyn Kelly tried to outdo one another during The Kelly File, tonight. Each lovely lady attempted to cluck louder than the other over an apparently “shocking” video of a spring-break rape, committed in front of throngs of indifferent tender young souls. Our children, you know.

The “breaking news” promised a “video that shows two men raping an unconscious woman on Florida beach.” I strained to see what Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen described as “the ‘most disgusting, sickening thing’ he had ever seen,” likening “the scene to ‘wild animals preying on a carcass laying [sic] in the woods’. He said the sickening footage shows at least three men surrounding an incapacitated woman on a beach chair.”

All I can see is black youngsters milling about in a beach setting. One culprit’s neck appears visible.

Oh, the two women reporters tried mightily to ignore the issue of race.