UPDATED: Tag The TSA Dogs (Make That Remorseless Dogs)

Constitution,Homeland Security,Liberty,Regulation,Terrorism,The State


Fliers who are frisked should write down the name of the TSA agent who pawed them, and then blog or YouTube the event by exposing the personal details of the perp. Footage abounds, but the agents—the stars in these horror films—remain nameless. Name the bastards! It’s one way to bring about some attrition. If you know an agent; be sure to dissociate from him or her. If I knew one of these vermin, I’d pin the perp’s poster to a tree or something.

The revolt against The Transportation and Security Administration has resulted in very little fundamental change, so far, other than exemptions for sectional interests. By fundamental change, I mean restoring the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

The TSA is just one department. All government departments are like the TSA: Bureaucrats write most of the laws under which we live, and which no elected official has approved. This is why some conservatives (the smart ones) use the term “Managerial State” for the Thing the Huckster and the Hannity call “our freedoms,” “our democracy.” We really have very of the first. And as bad as mobocracy is, we are, in truth, managed by unelected apparatchiks.

I am unable to fly to a destination of my choosing because I refuse to be fondled or zapped with photons.

“The Australian” carries a gallery of pictures of the American peon being pawed.

UPDATE (Nov. 29): MAKE THAT REMORSELESS DOGS. Finally, a lone agent has repented. Well, sort of. I guess he’s feeling the antipathy. Having discovered the Ten Commandments, this man laments that, “It goes back to, ‘Do upon others as you would wish others to do upon you.’ And I would not want that done to me, or my family, or my mother, or my grandmother.'”

Nothing about resigning.

3 thoughts on “UPDATED: Tag The TSA Dogs (Make That Remorseless Dogs)

  1. Myron Pauli

    Here is another site:


    By the way, it is not only the 4th Amendment that is being violated but also Article I itself which puts the lawmaking power solely into the hands of Congress. Therefore, Congress cannot delegate that power to the TSA or Uncle Fred to outlaw yogurt (one of the 10 “abusive” TSA incidents!) or to institute a “fine” of $11,000 for violating its regulations.

    Sadly, neither mainstream political party cares a hoot about the Constitution.

  2. james huggins

    The maddening thing about all this is that it probably won’t work. Nothing else the federal government does works, why should this?

  3. Sean

    I’d already purchased my plane tickets for Thanksgiving travel before the new scanners were adopted and the new aggressive groping policy was implemented, so I headed for the Atlanta airport with the intent of speaking my mind en route to my flight. TSA was a no-show: I wasn’t baked or groped — I had to deal only with the normal metal detectors. I’d planned to tell the TSA agent that I’m “not that kind of passenger” but I never had the opportunity. They tried to kill the story by backing out of widespread confrontations. Don’t we all feel secure now?

    I also contacted the several airlines with whom I have frequent flyer accounts and told them that they’d lost my business because of their silence regarding the molestation of their passengers. All the airlines who responded told me there was “nothing they could do” and to talk to the TSA. I told them what I thought of that too, the greedy cowards.


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