Taki On Twittering Twits and Twats*

Intelligence,Internet,Pop-Culture,Technology,The Zeitgeist


This is too good not to post: “… The Ancient Greek philosopher Taki calls people that Tweet and spend their time on Facebook the closest thing to subhumans. Cicero, John Gray, Taki—three great thinkers known for their silences and (I can only speak for the latter) not owning a mobile phone.”


[To comport with Taki’s claim to greatness, and with respect, I would have edited that last sentence to read: “… known for their silences and (I can only speak for the latter) FOR not owning a mobile phone.”]

Hey, Taki, this writer beat you to it, writing in “The Dumb Generation’s Hand-Held Devotional” that “Myself, I have no interest in hand-held devices. I use my well-appointed PC for work. Away from the PC—during a jog, for instance—I think. Ideas flood my mind during physical exertion and solitude. On the rare occasions that we both go away on vacation, we do not take our work along.”

Yes, I confessed to not owning a mobile phone. I do not plan on acquiring one. My blog posts propagate to Twitter automatically. Facebook is used for the same purpose: post the work, interject on the Timeline when it’s educational, and leave.

But even more interesting, in my opinion, is an item also shared in “The Dumb Generation’s Hand-Held Devotional”:

“I live with an individual who is intimately involved in the design of some wonderful gadgets. Yet he himself hardly uses them in the little spare time he steals for himself. They frustrate him; they don’t seem to satisfy his creativity or sate his intellect. His greatest pleasure is found in composing and playing complex thematic pieces of music in his home studio. To do so he follows eternal, timeless rules of composition. Low-tech, if you like.”

*Twats: I don’t expect the twittering twits to know the word. Suffice it to say that it is a good, honest crudity, perfect for the occasion.