The Authentic Right Vs. The Neocons (Part 2)



Professor Gottfried and I continue the conversation we began last week. In The Authentic Right Vs. Neocons (Part 2),” the sequel to “The Authentic Right Vs. The Neocons (Part 1), professor Gottfried, once again, helps us understand how the American Right fell into the clutches of “minicon scribblers.”

I describe the “propositional nation” neoconservatives are dreaming up for us (the Left, naturally, loves the idea too): “No longer will communities comprise individuals bound by a shared language, literature, culture, faith, history, habits and heroes. Rather, what we’re being fashioned into is a disparate people, forced together by an abstract, highly manipulable, coercive, state-sanctioned ideology.”

And Paul elaborates on “The farce of democracy that we now have—which is a pluralistic society spinning into a multicultural one, run by meddlesome bureaucrats, inventive judges, and a multitude of social engineers—has nothing to do with serious self-government. It is a social experiment that is spinning out of control.”

Read on.

Update: In reply to the reader in the Comments Section: Paul is not anti-Semitic; he is anti-foreign aid to Israel—as well as to all her Arab enemies.

His position is similar to the one I expressed here:

“Those of us who want the U.S. to stay solvent – and out of the affairs of others – recognize that sovereign nation-states that resist, not enable, our imperial impulses, are the best hindrance to hegemonic overreach. Patriots for a sane U.S. foreign policy ought to encourage all America’s friends, Israel included, to push back and do what is in their national interest, not ours.”

I was asked to write a piece for the Paul Campaign encapsulating his position vis-à-vis Israel. I did weeks ago, but they have yet to publish it. I continue to receive many letters expressing the misconception our reader voices. I’m surprised the campaign has not made use of a useful op-ed that refuted the accusations very effectively.