The Blair Third-Way Blur

Britain,Conservatism,Economy,Europe,Republicans,Socialism,The State


How serious are Republican boosters about liberty? Tony Blair serious. Sean Hannity interviews Mr. Blair, and tries to get this consummate Third-Way politician to repeat the Hannity inanities, among which are the following catch phrases: We want a small government (translation: you call the state behemoth small when a Republican is at the helm), and a strong national defense (translated: defend the indefensible invasions so long as they are started by Republicans).

Republican economics: condemn the Keynesian voodoo, as you grope obscenely for the “stimulus packages,” and while rudely wanking your business buddies in full view of disgusted onlookers.

Blair is way cleverer. He re-branded “the Keynesian model” as a Third Way sort of kosher statism about which your host (support her, please!) wrote way back in … 2000, in the Calgary Herald column, “Third Way is Socialism’s New Bandwagon.”

To the request that he make a token grumble against Sean Hannity’s ostensible peeve, Blair replied:

“I happen to think in this case there’s a third way, which is a state that is strategic and empowering, where your welfare and public service policies are reformed and modernized from the 1940s.”

What a sweet molester is our Uncle Sam and his cousin across the pond.