UPDATED (5/3): The Kumbaya Crowd Always Wailing Over Walls



Mention any security fence intended to prevent undesired or undesirable human acts, and the Kumbaya Crowd launches into maudlin impersonations of the sainted Ronald Reagan, RIP: “tear down this wall.”

That’s the lot of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban whenever he asserts his intention to exercise his duty to defend the Hungarian people from Islamic invasion.

It doesn’t seem to have occurred to those who invoke the portentous metaphor of the Berlin Wall that, unlike the Roman, Chinese, Israeli, and yet-to-be-built American-Mexican wall, the Iron Curtain was constructed to keep people in, not out.

Foreign Policy:

… Orban has made himself notorious in recent months by ordering the construction of razor-wire-topped fences to prevent refugees from reaching Hungary and by loudly insisting that Hungary will not offer asylum to non-Christian refugees. I will write about Orban’s anti-refugee policies and rhetoric in a subsequent column.

The latest in the EU refugee saga:

… Viktor Orban, who on Monday called Europe “defenseless and weak” in stopping what he regards as an Islamic invasion, has called for the construction of razor-wire fences along Greece’s northern borders with Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Such a barrier is already going up on the Greek-Macedonian border, a major transit point for those heading farther north. Even governments regarded as reasonably pro-refugee say that border will soon need to be sealed.

On a visit to the Macedonian capital Friday, Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said that his country is rapidly nearing the limit it has set for asylum seekers this year — less than half the total of last year — and that Macedonia should be ready to “completely stop” the flow of migrants in the coming months. …



UPDATE (3/1):

UPDATE (5/3):