The People Vs. Dubya & Dubai

Bush,Political Economy,Politics,Terrorism


…When in doubt, use the critical compass of private property: To understand the American people’s splenetic response to the transaction, pretend U.S. ports were private and not state run.
In all likelihood, if ports were privatized, we’d be witnessing similar pickiness as to who operates them. After all, the titleholders would have to underwrite the endeavor and would thus be extra cautious, for they’d be liable for the costs of an attack, not taxpayers. In a free market, even the perception of insecurity would cause insurance costs to soar. Fairness doesn’t factor into it.
…This is the American people’s back yard. They feel they own the ports, which is why they responded as cautiously as any proprietor who prizes and protects what is his.

The excerpt is from my new column, “The People Vs. Dubya & Dubai.” It leads on WorldNetDaily today. I look forward to your comments.