UPDATE V: The Stasi Breast Exam (CONTRA CNN…)

Fascism,Government,Homeland Security,Individual Rights,Terrorism,The State


Observe the technique used by the detritus of humanity, the TSA agents, in performing a breast examination. The predatory bitch will circle her victim’s breast, cleaving closely to its contours. The female attack dog will then pass a grubby paw between the woman’s cleavage. Sometimes the neckline above the shameless assailant’s fondling fingers is youthful and firm; other times it’s sagging and old. At all times this specter is pathetic.

We are a country of subjects and sovereigns.

On its website, the Transportation Security Administration ought to provide a technical, detailed, clinical description of the procedure so that a citizen may see in writing the ritual one of these Stasi agents are to perform on his person.

Can you find it here? I cannot.

Don’t fly if you don’t have to.

UPDATED I: SPREADING THE FILTH. WND: “Martha Donahue in a commentary at Resistnet said she’d spent 30 years in the medical industry.

‘For those of you who fly and opt for the ‘pat down,’ you need to demand the TSA thugs change their gloves. I’ve been watching on the news how they operate. People are being searched [with] dirty gloves … gloves that have been in crotches, armpits, touching people who may be ill, people who pick their noses. Do you want those gloves touching you?'”

UPDATE II: SOVEREIGNS ARE EXEMPT. And Boehner Of Orange is no exception. Not a murmur about TSA terrorism have your representatives, new and old guard (other than Ron Paul), uttered. Understandably. TSA sexual assaults are not a pressing matter when you are exempt therefrom. According to the New York Times, “any member of Congress or administration official with a security detail is allowed to bypass security. … The appropriate security procedures for all Congressional leaders, including Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid [and Boehner] are determined by the Capitol Police working with the Transportation Security Administration.”

UPDATE III (Nov. 24): When all argued for the rights of pilots and flight attendants to go to work without TSA abuse, I warned against interest-group, government-granted rights. How likely are you to get back some of your Fourth Amendment natural rights now that the sectional interests are satisfied with their deal? Strive for chaos. The more the homeland security cauldron bubbles over, the better. You want the thing to implode. Signs that travelers are settling into a status quo ought to trouble you.

The AP: “Cabinet secretaries, top congressional leaders and an exclusive group of senior U.S. officials are exempt from toughened new airport screening procedures when they fly commercially with government-approved federal security details.”

“Aviation security officials would not name those who can skip the controversial screening, but other officials said those VIPs range from top officials like Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and FBI Director Robert Mueller to congressional leaders like incoming House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. …”

The heightened new security procedures by the Transportation Security Administration, which involve either a scan by a full-body detector or an intimate personal pat-down, have spurred passenger outrage in the lead-up to the Thanksgiving holiday airport crush.

On Friday, the TSA exempted pilots from the new procedures; flight attendants received the same privilege on Tuesday, TSA spokesman Nicholas Kimball confirmed. Both groups must show photo ID and go through metal detectors. If that sets off an alarm, they may still get a pat-down in some cases, he said. The rules apply to pilots and flight attendants in uniform when they’re traveling.

While passengers have no choice but to submit to either the detector or what some complain is an intrusive pat-down, some senior government officials can opt out if they fly accompanied by government security guards approved by the TSA.

UPDATE IV: CONTRA CNN. Judging from the reports by the females of CNN (those cringe making goody-goodies), and even from FoxNews’ pin-up Megyn Kelly, the planned, Thanksgiving protests against the TSA fizzled; didn’t happen.

Not if you read DRUDGE. Here are some of the headlines, accompanied as they are by an image of at least one heroic passenger, stripped to the waist, sporting a “Screw Big Sis” on his bare back.

POLL: 61% oppose new airport security measures…
Prosthetics Become Source of Shame at Airport Screenings…
Scanner Uproar Shadows Holiday Travel…
AAA Expects Record Traffic on Highways…
30-Mile Backup on Mass Turnpike…
VIDEO: TSA Speedo Protester…
VIDEO: Woman wears bikini to LAX…
Woman: Agents Singled Me Out For My Breasts…
Fliers Claim TSA Has Deactivated Body Scanners…

UPDATE V: In a supercilious op-ed, an ex-CIA agent by the name of Mike Baker, a fixture on FoxNew, demands: “America, Let’s Give the Drama and Hysteria a Rest.” But not before describing with relish how a “TSA dude named Frank got to third base” with him.

18 thoughts on “UPDATE V: The Stasi Breast Exam (CONTRA CNN…)

  1. james huggins

    All the noise and confusion attached to this process is interesting. What are they up to while they keep us all hot and bothered about the screening process. I, for one, am tired of being disrespected, manipulated and disregarded by our government. Every time they come up with something new we have to wonder what they are realy up to. They never are really doing what they appear to be doing. We are given the “mushroom” treatment by our public servants. They keep us in the dark and shovel manure on us.

  2. sunny black

    During medical school I passed a standardized board exam that tested one’s physical exam skills, interpersonal skills, and also assessed comfort of the Simulated Patient. (Incidentally, the very existence of this exam — the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills — was created as a direct result of the increased incidence of malpractice lawsuits that stemmed from physicians with poor communication skills.)

    Maintaining a patient’s dignity requires its own level of diligent practice. It’s one of the easier skills to learn as med students transition from classrooms to clinical wards, but you’d be surprised how poor some physicians and med students can be with their interpersonal skills and their awareness of their patients. Students do have to practice such things as the fine art of draping a patient, disrobing the specific area they’re going to look at (after informing the patient of their intent), and then immediately draping that area back up when they’re done.

    If you need to listen to a woman’s mitral valve and she’s endowed with a pendulous breast, you’d kindly ask the patient to position her bra so that you can get your stethoscope in the right spot. In short, touching a stranger, even in the established context of a patient-physician interaction, is a unique circumstance and demands a doctor have an interest in maintaining a human beings comfort level. To be honest, it’s something that is outside the skill set of a TSA (read: Stasi) thug who had an 8-hour training course last Sunday at the Hartsfield airport Denny’s.

    I’ve even heard a theory that the point of the humiliation (and the youtube evidence documenting it), is to bully more Americans into the body scanner option. Why would statist central planners want to have the porn scans of all serfs on file? (Someone get Beck on that.)

    I suppose hiring Isaac Yeffet would be too much like right. I’m Indian, and with a 3 o’clock shadow I might pass the physical profile. The current PC standards probably work to my benefit: since 9/11 in my years of domestic and foreign travel, I’ve never been touched. Having said that, I want a system that works smarter (not pretending to look harder). I’d rather grandma’s, families, and little kids, who don’t have the classical terrorist phenotype, easily cruised through security; even if that means I get more of an inquisition from a Yeffet-trained agent. Would I be slightly annoyed? Yes. But as long as it isn’t unconstitutional or an invasion of my privacy, most of that irritation would be directed at my Sharia-loving brethren.

    [Excellent letter; thanks.]

  3. Ky'Zan'

    Why complain so much? Airplane passengers have a clear choice: be strip searched or be sexually molested! America is still a free country! 😉

  4. Escapist

    In the longer term the solution is separation from Islam. In the shorter term, an idea:

    How about letting people choose, i.e. having certain flights for those who have opted in to the screening, and having set-aside flights for those who opt-out? How about a system where the passengers in an opt-out flight can also vote on who gets to go on the opt-out flight and who doesn’t?

  5. james huggins

    We remind me of a wounded dog biting himself because he doesn,t know what is causing the pain. Here we turn ourselves wrong side out because we won’t face up to a bunch of flea scratching goat stealers. Rest assured the rest of the world is not missing a thing and is laughing at our stupidity and impotence. Hello North Korea, China, Iran et al.

  6. Bob Schaefer

    “Strive for chaos. The more the homeland security cauldron bubbles over, the better. You want the thing to implode. Signs that travelers are settling into a status quo ought to trouble you.”

    The key to imploding the status quo is to hit the airlines and their business partners in their pocketbook. Shred your frequent flyer membership card. Shred your airline-sponsored credit cards. Mail the refuse to the airlines and the credit card company, along with your firm promise not to use their services until your 4th Amendment rights are restored. Send copies of your opt-out letters to your local airport and the local media.

    Politicians and the TSA can disregard our protests with impunity. Let’s see if the the airlines and their business partners can disregard our lost patronage.

  7. Mike Marks

    I know this is probably a strange place to put this wish but I shall do so anyway. In the midst of all this trouble and turmoil I wish all of you who participate in BAB a safe, prosperous, healthy, and Happy Thanksgiving! To Life!

  8. Mike Marks

    A quick note on profiling. It appears that the case against profiling is both Political Correctness and “static thinking”. In an interview with our “dear friend” Bill O’Reilly, Whoopy Goldberg may have let the cat out of the bag by saying effectively that profiling was good for now but what if the threat changes? Gee I don’t know um ah let’s see ah maybe the profile changes as well. We are being held captive by PC and static thinking. What ever happened to looking at things from a dynamic perspective? The beauty of a decentralized system is that allows for distributed dynamic thinking and analysis. The central planners have great difficulty responding quickly to changes real time in the field. This is not the language the founders used but it is certainly their intent!

  9. Frank Brady

    Ilana, I hate to disagree but you’ve got it all wrong. These TSA procedures are great! The ungrateful whiners never stop to think that there hasn’t been a successful use of a commercial aircraft in a terror attack since 9-11. In fact, TSA is so effective that its methods have prevented us from being slaughtered by the thousands in other ways as well.

    Think of how many of us might have died had the legions of Islamic Terrorists prowling about out there sent suicide bombers into the hundreds of undefended U.S. shopping malls. What unspeakable carnage has the TSA prevented by somehow preventing Islamic Terrorists from flying explosive-laden light planes into Football stadiums and Concert Venues? How many lives have been saved because the TSA prevented Terrorist Squads from spraying thousands of vehicles trapped on bridges in rush hour with automatic weapons fire and RPGs? This truly unimaginable success is all the more remarkable when one considers the porousness of our borders and the relative accessibility of explosives and weapons.

    We should all be grateful, on this Thanksgiving Day especially, that such a stalwart and resourceful agency stands between us and the millions of Islamists who want to kill us all because they hate our way of life. I know I am!

    Sarcasm mode now off.

  10. Myron Pauli

    What is possibly more disgusting than the complete irrelevance to actual safety, the goonish nature of the TSA itself, AND the politicians who ignore the constitutional violations: (1) Congress cannot delegate law-making to a third party and (2) the 4th Amendment????

    Answer – the mainstream media and the frightened populous who will accept any indignity and violation of liberty if the famous mantra “9/11” is uttered. There is little hope for an America which acquiesces in such insidious nonsense. Also keep in mind that the government monopoly prevents any competition and alternatives – you could have United doing X-rays, Delta doing gropes, US Air using dogs and Southwest doing interviews.

    I am sure that members of the Supreme Court will also be exempted from the tedious lines, shoe removal, yogurt removal, coin removal, nudie-scans, and genital fondling lest they bring down the insanity on Constitutional grounds.

    As for the 3 year old kids currently being groped – they will just grow up used to the indignities and go like sheep through whatever garbage the government throws at them. There will always be a few Sakharovs who will speak up but the majority will just follow orders.

  11. Steve Hogan

    Any respect I had for pilots and flight attendants went right out the window. They got their grope-and-scope exemptions and gave the rest of us the big middle digit (I’d say the same for politicians, but giving us the finger is their full-time occupation). Thanks for nothing, folks.

    I sincerely hope a few airlines go bust and these cowards have to endure the indignities they thought they’d escaped.

  12. Barbara Grant

    Where is the “Tea Party” in all of this? Do they even register a protest? I’m not certain; but if there ever was a liberty issue in which they might make a contribution, this is it. Thankfully, Ron Paul (who didn’t need a “movement” behind him in order to be pro-liberty) has introduced a bill in Congress to protect the dignity of Americans while flying. Let’s see how it fares.

    Meanwhile, Tea Party patriots should weigh in on this issue. If they do not, that movement is toast.

  13. Van Wijk

    As Lawrence Auster has been saying for many years, so long as there is a substantial Moslem minority in this country, this is what we have to deal with, forever.

    The federals are increasing the heat under a people who are already at a simmer. Every new procedure brings us a step closer to open violence in the streets. The irony is that Americans are aware that their rights are being severed in order to placate the Moslems, and this will be remembered. Things will be particularly ugly in Dearborn when the law begins to break down.

  14. Jack

    If more people choose to drive rather than fly, the unintended consequences are easy to predict. More people will be die in traffic accidents than were ever killed by terrorists.

    It’s also easy to predict that this matters not at all to the powers that be.

  15. Mike Marks

    The following link illustrates the chilling effect the new TSA procedures can have on someone who has endured sexual abuse. (Note: it can also be found on the Drudge Report).


    As someone who has family members across multiple generations who have endured various forms of sexual abuse, the whole TSA search/x-ray issue hits home in a “Stasi” way. The government’s appraoch is just plain wrong on so many levels. Although I have contained it in my posts this new set of TSA procedure elicits a strong viseral response in me.

  16. Dan Jeffreys

    I also noted how the media arm of the government was going on about how the TSA “opt out” protests “fizzled”. The very next story was how bad the Thanksgiving traffic was this year, never bothering with the obvious conclusion that most people’s opt out protest consisted of opting out of flying all together.


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