UPDATE II: The TSA’s Trayvon Martin Revenge (Realism Vs. Postmodernism)

Aesthetics,Affirmative Action,Barack Obama,Government,Homeland Security,Objectivism,Pop-Culture,Race,Racism,Regulation,Terrorism


Excerpted from “The TSA’s Trayvon Martin Revenge,” now on RT:

“Had a rare video surfaced in which a black toddler was being brutalized by agents of the Transportation Security Administration, President Barack Obama would have enough solidarity, and some to spare. ‘If he had a son, he’d look like the boy whose breeches were breached by adults who should know better.’

I don’t wish the homegrown terrorists of the TSA to become equal-opportunity offenders; I want Congress to call off these attack dogs, now.

Still, I am unconvinced that when they travel, black women, tots, and geriatrics are subjected to the same invasive searches as are whites.

My own experience this month was uneventful. I was spared the rogering I’ve endured in the past, thanks, I believe, to the advice of WND’s Commentary Editor: wear loose clothing. A young TSA agent waved me by.

I did see a tall and handsome TSA worker working-over a little old man (aged 80, perhaps). The agent was black; his victim Caucasian. It looked as though the former was examining the hunched old man’s colostomy bag. It took the agent forever. He appeared to be enjoying himself.

I lingered as long as I could, to bear witness. The cruel ordeal was still underway when I left the scene, some 15 minutes later.

Dare I say it? The girl who—no doubt by fluke—did not violate my constitutional, fourth-amendment rights to be free of “unreasonable searches and seizures” was Caucasian.

A previous flying experience saw me subjected to—what are the odds?—the ministrations of a large African-American woman, who summoned me with a crooked finger for a pat down. In no time at all, her giant digits were on my chest and between my legs.

Amassed online is a critical mass of images in which TSA workers, often minorities, are feeling up and humiliating the most vulnerable members of white America—kids, old men and women, often infirm and incapacitated.

Twenty one and a half percent of TSA employees are black, and 13.1 percent Latino. At 10.5 percent and 10 percent respectively, the equivalent representation of aggrieved groups in the private sector merely mirrors their numbers in the larger population (serving, no doubt, to keep litigation at bay).

Moreover, like most federal agencies, the TSA is known to provide sheltered employment to a segment of the population which Sibel Edmonds, a courageous whistle blower, has described as “low-level, incompetent, scandalous, molesting, abusive, and in some cases criminal people who have been creating one scandal after another.”

TSA action is immortalized in countless YouTube clips. …”

Read the rest of “The TSA’s Trayvon Martin Revenge.”

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UPDATE I: The serious Japanese are Laughing (and it takes a lot to make them chuckle):

UPDATE II (June 2): To the repulsive David B, in Comments:

My rational, sane readers know my writing as the kind that cleaves to reality, is objective, and objectivist. Aesthetics, art, music: These are aspects of the culture that I comment on at length. This is nothing new. I’ve commented on my idea of female beauty and manliness. These, like my concept of what constitutes good music, are absolute. These assessments exist irrespective of what I find sexually attractive or politically desirable. I thought Jackie Kennedy was spectacular as a woman. Does that mean I am attracted to her? Does that imply I’m a Democrat? What nonsense. The Don Draper character in “Mad Men” is good looking, objectively speaking. Does that mean I want to jump his bones? Iman the model in lovely. And black.

Crass, stupid racialists see the world through their narrow prism of politics and race. They are postmodernists, in this sense, reducing objective reality to subjective likes and dislikes that serve their personal ego-related and political needs.

I’ll repeat the reality I observed at the Newark airport recently: The black gentleman I observed assaulting the helpless, ancient white man was tall, fit, well-groomed and good-looking (in the sense that he could have obtained employment with a modeling agency). Do these objective observations mean I was attracted to him? How stupid can you be?

Did I despise him for his actions? You bet.

His actions, more than anything else about him, condemned him as a man and human being.

10 thoughts on “UPDATE II: The TSA’s Trayvon Martin Revenge (Realism Vs. Postmodernism)

  1. james huggins

    “The most vulnerable whites.
    Kids, old people, infirm, etc.” Check out the photos from the Afrikaner Genocide site available on BAB. Check out the current stories of black mobs attacking people an note the relative ages and condition of most of the white victims. Anybody notice a pattern? When I was a kid the blacks reserved this treatment for themselves. Black on white violence wasn’t real prevalent. At least not in the South. . Anybody notice a pattern there?

  2. Myron Pauli

    I flew out of Dulles Airport two months before “9/11” and everyone who was working security looked like they came from the same village in Uzbekistan (veiled women and beards and turbans). Think of the absurdity of Navy Seals and CIA officers (much of northern VA is the Defense Department) getting quizzed by foreign nationals! So now we have the semi-unemployed doing the job – a little more sensible but just slightly less insane.

    The major “danger” is using the airplane as a weapon and giving vetted pilots guns and strengthening the cockpit doors takes care of that! Other security should be up to the airlines as to how to screen/fondle/annoy the passengers. What is the danger – stabbing a flight attendant?? One could stab someone at the local McDonalds and we don’t have 2 hour security lines for that.

    I’m sure there are black TSA goons that laugh at fondling the whities but I think the TSA is more an example of the Reign of the Stupid rather than a big racial thing. The dimwits get “tested” by their superiors and yelled at if they allow toothpaste and yogurt to slip by – so they just act as more obnoxious dimwits.

  3. George Pal

    Just as the mosque, the TSA is artifice; they have this also in common – they are monuments of conquest.

    Under the artifice of security the people are now made to suffer wholesale indignities, the visible samplings being only humiliating parts of a greater and more detestable whole – and all without recourse. Appeals to justice are made to governments but we have voted out the government and installed the State, and the State has no interest in justice, only the administration of the law.

    The scorned single-issue voter has finally a single issue to which he may devote himself body and soul – the obliteration of the TSA. No candidate for any national office is worthy of support or even consideration if he will not make known his affection for the people, his desire they live free, and finally, his hostility for the TSA.

    I haven’t any idea of who could pull this off or would dare to try.

  4. Paul

    My family only travels by airplane only once per year any more. The last time we went through “the gauntlet” (April 2011) my 7 year old daughter was accosted 3 times and so that we, her parents couldn’t video or in any way document this assault others in the TSA lineup diverted our attention or otherwise separated us from her sufficiently enough so that we couldn’t stop it or procure “evidence” of the “attacks”. This goes beyond absurd because in the very same lines were those of the “persecuted” class wearing their burlap sacks (burkas) over their person making them virtually indistinguishable as to gender or intent. This has gone on for the last 3 years that we have traveled and we are well past sick and tired of it. The only way to stop this atrocity is to hit them in their pocket book and commence a class action suit on behalf of all travelers since at the very least 2009 (statues of limitations may only allow one or two years). In lieu of payment the suit can demand an overhaul of the system placing it in the hands of the private sector (with no union involvement of course, they are just another tentacle of the feds).

    Ilana, your experience isn’t “colored” by your situation it is in fact a result of your situation, being born with the appearance of a Caucasian. I really never hear of people of color being dragged to the side and victimized as “those of a lesser threat” have been. I believe it is for that very reason (along with your reasoning, racial discord) that we who are “pigment challenged” are taken into “secondary”. Those TSA thugs really don’t want to catch anyone because if they ever did that would be their last act right before they got blown up. In short they are racist cowards who have only their own well being at heart and would rather not stop a terrorist as that would forfeit their own life.

  5. CompassionateFascist

    I have mixed feelings about all this. Of course it’s upsetting for a White Person to be prodded, poked, fondled, and “rogered” (“rogered”?) by maloderous, stupid f-cks. On the other hand, perhaps we should accept these and other minor inconveniences – destruction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights – as vital to transcendant goals: keeping various Middle Eastern Musloids on the petrodollar and, above all, keeping Israel on the map. In fact – since Ilana seems to be a Frequent Flyer – I am giving serious thought to becoming a TSA Inspector.

    [Are you off your meds again? At least use the spell check, and don’t multiple post.]

  6. David B

    Words are powerful. They can conjure images in the mind of the reader. The words an author uses and how he uses them reveal things about the author himself. One can learn a great deal about the author’s personality and so on.

    With regard to the black TSA screener, you said he was “tall and handsome.” Why did you add that bit of information to your story?

    Do you find black men attractive? You’ve indicated clearly that you do. Fair enough. Just keep in mind that the typical and normal response of a psychologically healthy white male seeing a white female in a sexual relationship with a black male is one of disgust and revulsion. More so of her than him.

    You have successfully shattered the images I had of you as a person by adding your “tall and handsome” bit. “Whore” is what is coming through now. I’ll never see you the same way again.

    [Wow. Just wow. See response in post.]

  7. Robert Glisson

    David B. Thank you for the humor. Sometimes we are so focused on the abuses of government, that we forget that humans can be stupid as much or more than governments even without a manual.Thank you for providing this hobby writer with a good example of proving the first three lines of your comment with the last two. I can’t wait to share it in a writer’s group.

  8. Rebel Woithout a Clause

    Sorry about the X’l post. Rebel, that is to say, myself, wanted to post a reply to that lecherous racist CF…but it all went wrong. At any rate, he is back on his meds AND confined to the FuehrerBunker for a week.

    [yeah, it’s tough to deal with dual identities.]

  9. james huggins

    Ilana, I’m tall and well groomed. Of course I’m also fat and not as fit as in my yonuger years. Do you think I might have a chance to catch your eye? Well, probably not. I’ll just continue to admire you from afar and cry myself to sleep every night.

    [We go back a decade, you and I, Huggs. Don’t spoil a good thing.]

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