Those Cartoons: A Reply To Walter Block

Free Speech,Ilana Mercer,libertarianism


…Dr. Block has denounced the rather mild Danish cartoons as not nice, not moral, not appropriate and not considerate…
Whereas Dr. Block and I both agree the cartoons are perfectly licit in libertarian law and that the cartoonists and their publishers deserve to be safe from death or threats thereof, Dr. Block has asserted, under the rubric of a libertarian analysis, that libertarians would view the cartoons as immoral and that “from the libertarian perspective, both sets of acts—”drawing pictures of Muhammad” and offending “western sensibilities”—are “improper”…
What is Dr. Block’s premise for asserting these things are immoral? Other than that they offend Muslims, I see none. And to give offence is not always immoral. It is certainly not immoral to lampoon the connection between Muhammad, author of Islam, and the savagery and atavism that grip the Muslim world today…
… if a radical proponent of freedom such as Dr. Block can dub mild satire immoral, inadvertently tainting innocent, non-aggressive satirists, then it’s imperative to address the substance of the speech being debated, lest innocent polemicists and illustrators be maligned.

The complete essay, “Those Cartoons: A Reply To Walter Block,” is on the Free-Market News Network. Responses are welcome.