Trump Could Send The System’s Sycophants Scattering

Democrats,Elections,Media,Republicans,Ron Paul


“Trump Could Send The System’s Sycophants Scattering” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

During the first primetime Republican debate, in Cleveland, Ohio, Donald Trump delivered the same slogans and failed to flesh out positions. While the man is quick and engaging; he came unprepared.

Ideas have not solidified Trump’s success, but a powerful persona, true-blue patriotism and a willingness to put his substantial estate to the service of both. Trump now enjoys more support than he had prior to Cleveland, leading in national polls and in early voting states.

Henpecked though he was by the “Murdoch Media’s” golden goose—Megyn Kelly—Trump demonstrated that he is what his constituency craves: A man in the old mold. Trump is not an excuse for a man who’ll bolt like so many rabbits when a couple of girls get in his face and grab his mic. I allude to socialist-in-Seattle Bernie Sanders (D), over whom two African-American women rode racial roughshod.

When members of the media pontificate that Trump’s ascent reflects the base’s disgust with the establishment, they fail to include themselves in that detested clique.

To befuddle viewers and malign The Base, media even fib about who the establishment is. Steve Hayes, senior writer for The Weekly Standard, a bastion of the Republican establishment, asserted on Fox News that the Koch brothers of Koch industries, big bankers for the Republicans, are not of the establishment.

Central to the media enterprise is a worldview that looks to the state and its stooges as the sole repository of the public good. The idiot’s lantern is monopolized by men and women who’re of The system and for The System. Is there any wonder they are bucking the force of nature that is threatening their equilibrium?

Donald Trump must be observed from the standpoint not of policy, but of someone who could smash apart the political system and send its sycophants scattering to the four corners of the earth.

Trump is making this stagnant political spoils system oscillate. The particles—political and media movers-and-shakers—hate him for it.

So it was that GOPer Jonah Goldberg accused Americans of throwing a tantrum at the politicians and the pundits. The word “tantrum” is meant to demean; it implies a hissy fit; a childish outburst of rage.

The establishment, Republican and Democrat, has a tendency to hunt in packs. Thus did compadre John King of the liberal network CNN offer a variation on the Goldberg theme: “The base wants to break all the glass.” (I hope J. S. Bach forgives the pairing of his sublime Goldenberg Variations with Jonah.) …

Read the complete column. “Trump Could Send The System’s Sycophants Scattering” is now on WND.

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