TSA Goons To Burrow In Your Bone Marrow

Constitution,Government,Homeland Security,Individual Rights,Private Property,Regulation,States' Rights,Technology,Terrorism


How do TSA tormentors consolidate more control over American travelers? They escalate the security threat. It was a matter of time before the home-grown terrorists of the Transportation Security Administration found a ruse to move from using technology that scans the surface of their victims’ bodies to technology that exposes our internal organs by means of medical X-rays.

The ALLEGED reason for rogering and radiating a pathetically pliant American population deeper and more vigorously? Nothing very concrete is needed. A “2005 incident in which Colombian men were accused of surgically implanting narcotics into human couriers.” Yes, the TSA has simply floated a rumor, based on a 2005 memo it has dressed up to appeal to all news outlets, and these outfits have reported it as fact:

Reports of al Qaeda preparing so-called “belly bombs” designed to be surgically implanted in potential terrorists before they board airplanes have already led to increased scrutiny for anyone traveling to the U.S. who appears to have had recent surgery, U.S. officials said.
The Department of Homeland Security recently issued a bulletin warning of renewed interested in the tactic — suspected to be the latest innovation from infamous alleged bomb maker Ibrahim Asiri. According to U.S. officials, a would-be attacker would slip through airport security, board a plane and detonate the bomb using a chemical-filled syringe. …”With proper skill, a surgeon could indeed package a bomb or explosive device [and] it could be implanted inside the abdominal cavity,” he told ABC News. Melrose said that if placed properly, a bomb the size of a grapefruit may not even cause the patient discomfort.

This is the dynamic behind the subjugation at the airports.

And why not? Tea-Party “freshmen” are getting stale. They’ve been doing nothing much about the assaults on citizens who travel by air. Why should they? Sure, there was a bit of a commotion, late last month, over the obviously necessary humiliation of a 95-year-old, gravely ill woman, whose adult diapers TSA trash removed in the course of a securing the nation’s flying public. The protests amounted to meek requests for a TSA apology, no more. None was forthcoming.

Tea party representative have forgotten the little people—with the exception of Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.), who penned an op-ed in The Hill, today, 07/05/11:

The requirement that Americans be forced to undergo this appalling treatment simply for the “privilege” of traveling in their own country reveals much about how the federal government feels about our liberties. The unfortunate fact that we put up with this does not speak well for our willingness to stand up to an abusive government.
Many Americans continue to fool themselves into accepting TSA abuse by saying, “I don’t mind giving up my freedoms for security.” In fact, they are giving up their liberties and not receiving security in return. Last week, for example, just days after an elderly cancer victim was forced to submit to a cruel and pointless TSA search, including removal of an adult diaper, a Nigerian immigrant somehow managed stroll through TSA security checks and board a flight from New York to LA — with a stolen, expired boarding pass and an out-of-date student ID as his sole identification! He was detained and questioned, only to be released to do it again 5 days later! We should not be surprised to find government ineptitude and indifference at the TSA.
At the time the TSA was being created I strongly opposed federalization of airline security. As I wrote in an article back in 2001:
“Congress should be privatizing rather than nationalizing airport security.

Ditto. The same argument was made in “WHOSE PROPERTY IS IT ANYWAY?,” on June 5, 2002.

8 thoughts on “TSA Goons To Burrow In Your Bone Marrow

  1. irongalt

    The host’s body tissues would dampen out much of the explosive force and slow any shrapnel…short of a nuke, all an implanted bomb would do is present a gory mess to clean up.

  2. Steve Hogan

    The TSA is disgusting and repulsive. These people are power-hungry thugs. They either enjoy lording it over us or are zombies collecting a paycheck because they’re too stupid to do anything productive.

    As a frequent traveler, I have seen many horrors going through “security.” One thing is for sure: I will no longer allow these keystone cops to irradiate me. I will show up early and opt-out. And when they’re feeling me up, I will be sure to let these losers with the blue gloves know that they are swine.

    I want my country back.

    [Well said.]

  3. JP

    @Steve Flatulence and body-odour are two great weapons against invasive searches.

  4. Dennis

    PROBLEM: TSA Gropes, Scans, & Incompetence

    SOLUTION: Air Carriers assemble their own SECURITY, forget about checking ESKIMOS, be highly attentive to the obvious, highly-likely group, i.e. Arabs of the Muslim religion of “Pieces”, and reward the Security guys/gals for every single nut job they intercept and grab before something explodes.

    Oh, my! I am NOT PC. Well, if it is OK for advertisers to TARGET MARKET their ads to defined groups, e.g. COLT 45 to hapless inner-city Blacks as was claimed years back, then, I believe it is more important to protect us from bombers wearing underwear or shoes or headscarves than 95 yr old ladies wearing diapers.

  5. james huggins

    If the jihadists hadn’t already thought of implanted bombs they now at least have it to consider.

  6. Bob Harrison

    My Arab-American relatives recently returned from a trip to Israel. They told me that El Al had the most effective, efficient, and respectful security procedures they had ever encountered. Israel, who surely faces a greater terrorist threat than the United States and has barely a fraction of its resources, can operate a safe airline without subjecting its citizens (and visitors) to absurd Kabuki theater pretending to be security. The only conclusion I can draw is that the TSA is designed to normalize police-state tactics and not to actually secure our airlines. I hope I’m not just paranoid here.

  7. Robert Glisson

    Winston Churchill is reputed to have said; “The American’s always do the right thing; after they have tried everything else.” The TSA is working hard to prove the first part wrong and the last part right.

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