U.S. POPClock Projection

America,Environmentalism & Animal Rights,IMMIGRATION


Chew on this:

According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the resident population of the United States, projected to 06/12/08 at 06:47 GMT (EST+5) is:



One birth every……………………………. 7 seconds
One death every……………………………. 13 seconds
One international migrant (net) every………… 29 seconds
Net gain of one person every………………… 10 seconds

At just over one million people added to the US each year, these estimates are extremely conservative.

One thought on “U.S. POPClock Projection

  1. robert

    It would be good to know what % of the births occurring every 7 seconds are to married parents or single moms and where the largest % of international migrants are coming. Ooops, I am sorry that might not be PC to ask.

    [Follow the links from here. “The Logic of La-Raza Libertarians” gives a clue too.–IM]

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