‘Colorectal Crusader’ Couric Cries Foul

Ethics,General,Hillary Clinton,Journalism,Media


What never fails to amaze me about the anointed Idiocracy of America (Peggy Noonan comes to mind here) is that, no matter how evil and erroneous their way, they always get curtain calls; they retain their status as philosopher-kings. Or queens.

Colonic Crusader” Katie Couric said this at an award ceremony for her cherished self:

“However you feel about her politics, I feel that Sen. Clinton received some of the most unfair, hostile coverage I’ve ever seen.”

[Note the grating “I feel” locution]

Rewind to February this year:

Sly Katie recently interviewed Clinton while intoxicated—drunk with love for Obama. Couric’s below-the-belt barbs and blithe probes about Obama—but not the issues—made Hillary appear elevated by comparison. The Senator was courteous where Katie was cruel.

‘Someone told me your nickname in school was Miss Frigidaire. Is that true?’ Couric asked. ‘Only with some boys,’ Clinton said, laughing

The answer was quick, and, I must confess, classy. The question was base and bitchy. (It’s of a piece with another iconic ‘journalist’s’ cruelty—that of Barbara Walters. She prefaced an interview with Celine Dion by pronouncing: ‘you are not beautiful.’ Tears welled in Dion’s beautiful eyes.)

Excerpted from my “Militant Mama Obama.”

3 thoughts on “‘Colorectal Crusader’ Couric Cries Foul

  1. Steve Stip

    “‘Someone told me your nickname in school was Miss Frigidaire. Is that true?’ Couric asked. ‘Only with some boys,’ Clinton said, laughing”

    Better, “What a whoreable thing to ask!”

  2. Joe Allen

    Katie should have been following the media treatment of Dr. Paul’s campaign. He received unfair hostile coverage only on the good days. On the bad days, no coverage at all.

    Paul’s google hits were through the roof when Couric’s ratings were circling the drain. With journalistic instincts like those, it just can’t be much of a shocker that she’s in a career transition.

  3. AnIdea

    The treatment of Ron Paul convinced me never to watch TV news again or read any printed news media (Wash. Post, Time, etc.). The blatant propaganda and distortions from these outlets really opened my eyes. I’m patiently waiting for the day that the Washington Post and NY Times (America’s Pravda) finally go bust. [Ditto]

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