‘What If Democrats Win Enough Seats In Congress To Override A Presidential Veto’?



The Conor Lamb victory in Pennsylvania raises the fear that, “When the mid-terms roll round, [Democrats] would win enough seats in Congress to override a presidential veto.

Democrats far from the seats of power and from Nancy Pelosi’s orbit are looking to appeal to regular Americans, namely the Trump constituency.

* Duly, Lamb is “a former marine and federal prosecutor.” (Used to be the armed fores were squarely in the conservative camp.)

* Mr Lamb campaigned at rallies with unions, such as the steelworkers, the coalminers at a United Mine Workers.

* “Mr Lamb promised to protect pensions of union members as well as Social Security and Medicare benefits for all.”

* “Lamb was ‘a God-fearing, union-supporting, gun-owning, job-protecting, pension-defending, Social-Security-believing … sending-drug-dealers-to-jail Democrat,’ enthused Cecil Roberts, the union boss. The Democrats need more like him.”

MORE: “Conor Lamb has shown Democrats how to win in places they usually lose.”