UPDATE II: Who Made ‘Jim Carrey Talking Ass’ So Mighty? You! (Carrey & The ‘Idiocracy’)

Celebrity,GUNS,Hollywood,Individual Rights,The Zeitgeist


“Jim Carrey is a talking ass,” sings a bloke on Reason TV, below. Very funny. True too. But let’s get serious. Carrey is a bad actor in more than one way. His venomous contempt for my right to defend myself aside; Carry is without talent. His slapstick schtick is pathetic, repulsive. So tell me this: Who made him the celebrity he is, and who’ll continue to patronize his rotten films? YOU! And you won’t change a bit, despite the man’s manifest contempt for your right to life*, will you?

*Inherent in the right to life is the right of self defense, as a right that cannot be defended is a right in name only.


It takes a talking ass
to oppose a vaccination
when your Ph.D. is in
making funny faces

It takes a talking ass
to tell people they can’t arm when
you don’t walk around
without an armed bodyguard

It takes a talking ass
to call fans dumb and demented
when you are the one
who wants something uninvented

It takes a talking ass
to be out there passing blame
when you’ve shot someone
on every TV ever made


Sometimes dudes’ minds are skewed
and they choose to go a-killin’
’cause they saw a Batman villain
killing, well … ring a bell?

Sometimes stars get armed guards
when they make a million buck-ers
then call you heartless motherfuckers
to want the same … is it the fame?

Polio and smallpox they no longer kill en masse
because of vaccinations they are a thing of the past
but you tell parents to skip them and the science you contrast
because just like in your movies … you’re talking our your ass

UPDATED I: “Idiocracy” pegged the Jim-Carrey humor brilliantly in the segment, “Ow my B-lls!”

UPDATE II (3/29): Chime in on Facebook. From the thread:

I’m proud to say I have never watched anything by Carrey the cretin. I know his “worth” from flicking through channels. I might have paused b/c of a Kim Basinger scene (she is utterly gorgeous). Did she do one with him? Maybe not.