The Left’s Gallery of Cretins



This is not an excerpt from my upcoming WND column; it’s a supplement to a line-up of Palin competitors: those who score way higher on the cretinism quotient than the governor.

In my journalism-school days one looked up to the brilliant and brave late Oriana Fallaci. Now, it’s mediocrities like Barbara Walters and colorectal crusader Katie Couric who’re considered cutting-edge clever. Among Walters’ prime picks for “Most Fascinating People List” were Paris Hilton, Victoria and David Beckham, and Justin Timberlake.

You’ll hear nothing but curtain calls for “Bawbawa.”

I grant lefties that if cleverness is the name of the game, then Elizabeth Hasselbeck is fair game. Other than being blond and bubbly, Hasselbeck’s conservative “credentials” amount to agitating against Don Imus and for breast cancer prevention and research, the Amber Alert Initiative, the war, and Our Leader.

On the other hand, the following is an excerpt from “The Left’s Gallery of Cretins:

“Speaking of the Left’s intelligentsia, unlike [Mike] Taibbi and [Bill] Maher, who made a “case” against Palin’s candidacy by cussing, Joy Behar at least tried to “argue.” The result? The most originally asinine anti-Palin argument to date:

You know, the one thing that I don’t think anybody’s said yet is that she’s very mean to animals, this woman. Why does she have it in for these poor polar bear and the caribou and she aerial kills wolves? That’s a very mean thing to do. … I don’t think that’s very nice, do you? I think that that’s an important point we should all be looking at.

So now it’s Palin’s PETA papers that aren’t in order. Put it this way: If Rep. Ron Paul clubbed seals to death on ice floes; I’d still consider him a smashing potential president. (If he fired a trooper who abused his power, all the better.)”

The Left’s Gallery of Cretins” is up on WND.

9 thoughts on “The Left’s Gallery of Cretins

  1. GeoPal

    Have been less than sanguine about Palin as national ticket material but like her. Compared to the mannequins and parrots on parade every election cycle she is genuinely refreshing and… human. It is now obvious she also serves as a litmus test of the left’s insanity and “putz” quotient.

  2. Tom

    Although I generally agree with your characterization of the leftie loonies, in your WND column, there are also some rightwing conservatives, such as myself, who believe that the treasonous Judas Bush administration orchestrated the 9-11 terrorist attacks; for extensive evidence of this government conspiracy, just read the multiple books written on this subject by the Christian theologian David Ray Griffin. The liberal establishment New World Order news media also ignores and covers up this fact, therefore you can know that it is such a huge secret conspiracy that not even the liberal establishment will accuse the Judas Bush administration establishment of this treasonous crime, because in reality they are both part of the same New World Order conspiracy.

    [I’m not a proponent of conspiracy thinking. See “On Conspiracy Theories.”–IM]

  3. Steve Stip

    Alexander Hamilton, are you proud of the country you made? Yes, you have learned the error of your ways but your followers have not. [You’ve been reading my pal Tom DiLorenzo’s book about Hamilton; we’ll be doing an interview with Tom about his new book soon.–IM]

    The country is in sad shape but take away the ability to counterfeit money via the government backed fractional reserve banking system and it would quickly straighten up.

  4. Myron Pauli

    (1) Jesse Jackson is partially right in that the subprime market was deliberately catered to serve low income and minority lenders by HUD and Fannie Mae: – 55k
    – but this was to cater to Jesse Jackson. As his fellow Reverend Wright might put it, “the chickens have come home to roost.” The leftists Andrew Cuomo and Franklin Raines concocted the scheme to “spread ownership to ” {or was it “exploit”??} minorities.
    (2) I can never figure out the mentality of some PETA types or Orthodox Jews who get upset over killing a non-endangered wolf or eating a cheeseburger (these are ANIMALS) but think nothing wrong with a partial-birth abortion on an 8 month fetus. Matter of taste, I guess. [The point was: what has this to do with your qualifications to be VP? Hence the point about Paul clubbing seals.-IM]
    (3) The trouble with IQ – is it better to have an “intelligent” Charles Krauthammer who backs the war in Iraq or a “dopey” Behar or Maher or McKinney who oppose the war? Perhaps there is something to be said for being stupid but getting the right answer – – in Math, we used to joke about the guy who solved 16/64 by cancelling the sixes and coming up with 1/4. [Maher supported the war for quite some time, then he opposed it on tactical grounds, mainly, then he wrote a book about how, if you don’t carpool, you’re riding with Bin Laden. Gosh; I forgot to put that in my Annals of the Idiot.–IM]

  5. Steve Stip

    I believe in conspiracy theories, but just one, the one run from hell. Meanwhile, the pawns on earth are mostly just dupes and fellow victims.

  6. Andrew T.

    The amount that someone is a decent person is inversely proportional to the amount that they like Bill Maher, divided by the amount of things they don’t know about him.

  7. Steve Stip

    concerning Bill Maher and fractional reserve bankers

    I loath them, loath them, loath them.
    I loath them hi and low.
    I loath them with a loath I loath.
    I loath those so and so’s.

    I loath them in the morning.
    I loath them in the night.
    I’ll loath them till I loath to loath,
    yet loath them more I might.

    I loath them while I sleep not.
    I loath them while I dream.
    I’d loath them with the LOATH of loathes,
    but it’s beyond my means.

  8. Barbara Grant

    In re: Tom’s point, I find it difficult to believe that the Bush administration orchestrated 9/11, as it takes some intelligence to organize an event of that magnitude and I don’t see Bush demonstrating that. Rather, I agree with the point Ilana has made several times previously, that Bush is a “true believer” in spreading democracy worldwide and that is why he promoted that agenda. I suspect he was deeply shocked when he was told that planes had crashed into the Twin Towers on 9/11, as most Americans were.

    Regardless, Ilana’s subject is comparing the left’s cretins with Palin. Many leftists who themselves eat meat think that it comes initially from grocery stores. They deplore the idea that any individual with a gun can kill his or her own food, attributing that to cruelty to animals. In fact, it is probably a far kinder way for an animal to go than being raised in a “pig farm cage” atmosphere, and far healthier for the individual who consumes fresh meat without added hormones. Behar is way off in her comments, and so are the majority of leftists.

  9. Robert Glisson

    On the evening that Mrs.Palin was nominated, I accidently got stuck with having to listen to Bill Maher on HBO for a few minutes. He was very interesting, “He bragged on how bad a vice president she would make because of her inexperiance but that Obama would make so much better a president because he had even less experiance than she had. I’ve got some friends that can split a fifth and solve the worlds problems, but i don’t think that even they could follow that argument, before or after the bottle was empty.

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