Brown Bastardgate

Barack Obama,Britain,Debt,Elections,IMMIGRATION,Morality,Politics


“He [Gordon Brown] was smiling when he spoke to me but he was thinking that! What else is he thinking when he smiles…” ~Gillian Duffy.

Remember when Obama was exposed in all his contempt for small-town America, depicting potential voters as clinging to their guns, god and other “bigotry”?

At least Obama was generalizing about a perceived prototype, and not badmouthing a flesh-and-blood human being; a constituent just encountered.

Trust Britain’s Gordon Brown with that bit of cruel, callous conduct.

People seem surprised that Brown would harbor contempt for the typical Briton revealed in the person of Gillian Duffy. After hearing Mrs. Duffy’s worries over deficits and immigration, the pompous, two-faced ponce retreated to his limousine, and mic on, proceeded to berate this perfectly decent lady, calling her “horrible,” “old woman,” and “bigoted.”

Poor woman; how hurt and shocked she looked when a reporter first confronted her with Brown’s wicked words.

When the real boor in this electioneering farce came calling, asking her to forgive him on camera, Mrs. Duffy refused to play along. She forgave the bastard as a kindly person would, but refused Gordon’s demand for a public display of affection.

A reminder of BHO’s disdain:

Mr Obama had, before an audience in the liberal bastion of San Francisco, tried to explain his trouble winning over white, working-class voters, the fabled “Reagan Democrats” who will be crucial in the general election.
He said: “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And it’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

6 thoughts on “Brown Bastardgate

  1. Barbara Grant

    There is a bit of an undertone in this exchange that many Americans may not realize. In Great Britain, “class” or “caste” plays a role, as well. It’s possible if not highly likely that Gordon Brown and the woman he dissed come from different classes; she, from working-class roots; and he, from a background of more elevated origins:

    As an American, this class distinction is something I disdain; but it is very real in the U. K. and I wouldn’t discount contempt of a “working class” woman amongst the reasons for Mr. Brown’s disparaging remarks. “Race” may have absolutely nothing to do with it.

    P. S. I hope he is solidly defeated.

  2. mike

    “Bigot” is the new “Nigga”. Use it as a term of endearment for anyone you know who isn’t completely brainwashed or intimidated by the PC propaganda. We’re reclaiming the word.

  3. Van Wijk

    As bad as things get here, every day I wake up thanking all the gods in Olympus that I’m not in the UK.

  4. Robert Glisson

    Barbara Grant is right that Brown’s remarks are ‘Class related’ but it’s not just Briton that feels that way. In the rest of the world you have the ‘ruling class’ and disparate classes with race quite often used as the political card. Chavez of Venezuela, Castro of Cuba, even Obama came from the middle class to upper class strata of their societies and it is their desire to maintain that class separation through status.

  5. George Pal

    The ability to contaminate the nation and poison relations with those who’d built it is the signal feature of the post-modern politician. Conservative, and Liberal party leaders might not have said as much but would have thought as little of Ms. Duffy, reflecting their own peculiar prejudices against their own kind.

    Were the figurative slap Ms. Duffy endured, to be felt by the rest of Britons like her, UKIP would win the next election and I would forever fondly remember Mr. Brown.

  6. james huggins

    I am amazed at the number of people who were taken aback at Obama’s snobbery. Anyone with a little bit of discernment and logic will pick out the Obamas of the world before they surface. Unfortunately most voters are dupes and therefore easy prey to slick tongued serpents like Obama.

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